I have a throbbing headache today. It could be attributed to a few different things in the last 24 hours but my hunch is the sudden lack of caffeine is kicking in. I am a 4 to 6 cups-of- tea-a-day kind of girl and a genuine belief I hold is that a hot cup of tea can make most things better. Hot cups of tea bookend my day but also sit next to me during hard conversations, long meetings, quiet time in the morning before the word has woken up. It is almost a metaphor for remembering to breathe, pause and be in the moment. Deciding to go cold turkey is not fun.

We were eating dinner together two nights ago when I mentioned that I was giving up drinking tea, my much loved beverage, for lent. Both children audibly gasped.

"Lent...is that an acronym for something" asked my tween.

My inner reaction was part amazement that she didn't know what lent was but I was also partly impressed that she doesn't have any pre-conceived notions. I jumped on the opportunity to tell them what my understanding. I told them we are so privileged to live the lives of luxury that we do. That we have all that we could ever want or need. That my act of choosing not to drink my favourite hot beverage is a good moment of reflection for me, to be grateful for all I have and to be able to know that it is ok to not always get what you want, when you want it.

They listened, took it in and then dug into their tacos. Moments later we were talking about something completely unrelated. Since then though, on both subsequent mornings, both have checked in with me and asked me how my morning is going without my trusty cuppa near me. Both times I have felt so touched that they remembered. It's the little things which are often the big things.

Always, tea.

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