Three weeks after my 89-year-old mother broke her pelvis, she steered her walker to the bathroom sink. Her dementia led her to believe that I was her friend Shirley. Muscle memory took hold when she opened the medicine cabinet. She removed a cracked tube of Cherry Frost lipstick and painted her mouth in bold strokes. Laughing, she said, "This is funny: Two old girls putting on lipstick." Her blue eyes sparkled. "I wish someone would sneak up and take a picture of us." I pulled my smartphone from my bathrobe pocket. We grinned. One with lipstick. One without. — Karen Buley

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Positively Purging-I welcome your feedbacks in the comments and your likes and passing the real life wisdom on to others as I embark on this new venture of "positively purging", as I know each of these pieces represents something…