I was, caught by a dream once, long, long, long ago, that dream of you I'd had, that kept on, recurring, recurring, repeating in my state of sleep, I couldn't break myself free out of it, and for a very long time, you were all I was, ever going to, dream about…

The dreams I got caught in, it was you, and you'd, become, my nightmare then!  I tried to, work my way, through these walls of my own mind, but kept, ramming into, the dead ends, like there's no way out.

The dreams I got caught in, yours, and now, you will get stuck in the nightmare of my making, call it karma, or, pay-back if you will, after all, I'd already, gotten, ground down too hard, into, bits, and pieces here.

like this, caught, in a trap...photo from online

And now, it will be your turn, to get, slaughtered, by the nightmares of my making, because I'm in control of everything that will happen (or won't!) here.

Let's see how you enjoy these sweet little, nightmares of mine…

I will no longer be caught in your dreams, your turn, to, suffer, by living in my nightmare now, honey!

Note: this is still NOT directed toward anyone who CAN read, and if you can't read yet, and can understand this, do give me a call, I love to meet ya.