On Tuesdays I write about education and then link to the Two Writing Teacher blog. and then comment on at least three other blog posts.

Ten On Tuesday...Out of Order

  1. Ten on Tuesday used to be a writing prompt I would give to my students. Sometimes lists are easier to write for adults and kids.
  2. Today I presented at the staff meeting and was observed by my direct boss. I have lost count of the times I have presented to a variety of audiences. The numbers of people and the varied backgrounds. There is always an energy to presenting but a layer of anxiety when I know someone is listening to everything I say!
  3. Today sushi was what was for dinner tonight and it was delicious.
  4. Today I gave the standardized state test to students in the morning.
  5. Today I had a lovely coaching meeting at the beginning of the day which is going to be a great way to end the school year.
  6. Today I wrote a story and posted it on the Sarah Selecky Centered community and received from feedback and read several poems.
  7. Today I spoke to someone important.
  8. Today I started my day with coffee and writing - just how I like it.
  9. Today I avoided going grocery shopping.
  10. Today I wrote a slice later than normal!

What list of 10 would you write today?