Dear readers and followers,

I wanted to let you all know that I am changing the name of this blog from Hidden Treasure to Wrestling Word. So don't be startled when you see a blog come to you with this title.

I've always thought that what I was doing here was wrestling with the word, like Jacob wrestling with the Angel of the Lord (Genesis 32:22-30). There is definitely much hidden treasure in the Word of God. We will be discovering it into eternity. But if I don't also wrestle with each revelation - make it part of my life and let it change me - it is just sparkling treasure collecting dust in a display case.

As a re-named Jacob went away from his all-night wrestling match limping, I know I will be (or hope I will be!) humbled and transformed to be more and more like Jesus if I wrestle with his Word, letting it crucify my self-life.

The wrestling part, the "working out my salvation" part - that is the important part. So, I would like to continue to share with you here my wrestling. I want to share with you as he touches my pride and leaves me limping, as I let Him work in me "to will and to act according to His good purpose," as I struggle to let Him make me holy as He is Holy. Most of all, as I get to know Him more and more.

My hope is that my wrestling will bless and encourage you somehow. Thank you for reading!

Image in the Public Domain, Jacob wrestling with the angel (Italian School, 17th century)