Thursday, May 5, 2022

Working mothers are an important economic engine

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This Month...

"Mothers own 1 in 3 women-owned businesses and 1 in 3 female employees are working mothers. They are integral to our economic success."
– Suzanne Brown

Others' Thoughts...

"This struggle is real. The juggle is real. That's why everyone should hire working mothers. They are put in crazy situations all the time and are forced to problem-solve. They are some of my most resourceful employees.."
– Sara Blakely,
Founder of Spanx
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Mompowerment Thoughts

Hi read,

How are you today? How's everything going? Since it's Small Business Week and Mother's Day is this weekend, I wanted to share some inspiration with you all. I'm talking about the importance of working moms on our economy and financial health as a nation.

Women-owned and Mom-owned Small Business Statistics (see more on my recently updated blog):

  • You might know that small businesses account for 99.9% of all businesses
  • Women own about 43% of small businesses in the U.S. (fully and partially owned), which translates to 14+ million businesses, and they generate ~$1.9 trillion per year.
  • 1 in 3 women-owned businesses is a mom entrepreneur, which translates to almost 4.7 million businesses. (High five to my fellow mom business owners!)
Working Mom Employee Information (see more on my blog):
  • Companies with women in 30% of top levels of leadership positions see a positive impact on profit margin (literally, it makes business sense)
  • 1 in 3 female employees is a working mom so they absolutely matter as employees
  • 1.4 million mothers left the workforce during the pandemic (and many, potentially most, haven't returned)
  • Daughters of moms who worked are more likely to have jobs, earn a higher wage, and have supervisory roles versus daughters of stay-at-home moms.
  • Men whose mothers worked are more likely to spend more time on family care duties than those whose mothers stayed at home.

With this in mind, how can we support each other?

Give mom-owned small businesses some love by buying their products (and books!) and services. Tell a friend (or your employer) about their products or services (personal recommendations hold weight). Follow, like, and share their posts on social media. Comment on what resonates with you that they share on social media, LinkedIn, or their blog.

To support fellow mom employees, advocate and open doors for them. Mentor the newer working moms in your organization. Be an ally and recommend a working mom for a position on your team or at your employer if you've moved somewhere new that you love. 

And don't shy away from asking for the support you need to be successful at home and at work. Embrace the important role you have in your family and community this Mother's Day. Understand you are absolutely integral to our economic engine in the U.S. and worldwide!! And know that you can take action to make a difference in the lives of working mamas around you. 

Feeling empowered or inspired? What action will you take today? How are you benefitting from the actions of others? 

Can't wait to hear your thoughts!

PS I'd I'm considering setting up two Zoom calls for those who subscribe to the Mompowerment newsletter, one for employees and one for entrepreneurs. So, which are you? Team entrepreneur or team employee? Reply back with I'm in and whichever one you are so I can get a general idea of interest.

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How Can I Help You?

Trying to make meaningful changes to create greater work-life balance this year? If you're putting together a proposal for changes at work, don't do it alone. Suzanne can look over your proposal and give you specific feedback before you share with your manager or senior leadership.

Need help as you rethink duties on the home front? Don't let another year go by if you want things to be different. Book a strategy session with Suzanne to help you solve a specific challenge and make things happen in 2022. Take action now!

As a manager or senior leader, are you trying to focus more on wellness for your team and employees? Schedule time for a strategy session with Suzanne to brainstorm how you can support your team so you attract and retain the amazing working moms in your organization. Recommend Suzanne to do a workshop as part of the company wellness efforts or as a speaker in an Employee Resource Group (ERG) in 2022.

See more about Suzanne's speaking services and topics

20-minute, 60-minute, half-day, and whole day sessions available

Book Your Session Today!

Insights from Mompowerment

How to Identify a Family-friendly Employer (my Harvard Business Review article)

During the Great Resignation don't jump from the frying pan into the fire when it comes to changing employers. To get an idea of workplace culture, look at an employer's website, social media, and even their senior leadership for clues. Talk to people within your network.

Set Yourself Up for Opportunities during the Great Realignment

Want to make changes in your career or business? Good timing! Get tips to help set yourself up for opportunities during the Great Realignment.

Helpful Thoughts & Tools from Others

Upcoming Events

Private events for various groups and companies

Buy the Books

Grab your copy of either of the award-winning Mompowerment books for yourself, your friends and colleagues, or your employees. 
Buy "Mompowerment" Book on Amazon
Buy "The Mompowerment Guide to Work-Life Balance" on Amazon

About Suzanne Brown

Suzanne Brown is a strategic marketing and business consultant and work-life balance speaker, workplace strategist, and bestselling and 4-time award-winning author. She empowers working moms to create greater work-life balance and helps companies become more balance friendly. Read her weekly blog, watch her TED talk, or read more about her books at She lives in Austin, TX with her husband and two young boys.
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