Thursday, December 1, 2022

Ready to thrive this holiday season?

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This Month...

"Shift from stressing to thriving this holiday season."
– Suzanne Brown

Others' Thoughts...

"Go easy on yourself. Go for 'good enough.' This is not the time to be aiming for perfection."
– Dr. Catherine Cerulli,
clinical psychologist and founder of Psych Savvy
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Mompowerment Thoughts

Hi read,

How are you today? How is your week going?

The holiday season has officially started! It's the most wonderful time of the year (or so the song says). It's a busy season – kids' school events, holiday gatherings, recitals, etc. Let's talk thriving this holiday season instead of feeling overwhelmed. Here are 5 tips to help you shift from stressing to thriving this holiday season:

Simplify where you can. For meal planning and prep, think about simple meals that can go into the slow cooker or grab a rotisserie chicken and steam some ready-cut veggies. Get 11 easy meals if you need new ideas. Simplify gift-giving. Get one type of gift for all the women in your life and one for all the men. Or maybe one consistent gift for everyone. Use the store gift wrap option or simply use bags. Consider gift cards. Who doesn't need a bit of extra cash right now? Personalize the gift tags or cards.

Layer tasks. Intentionally multitask in what I call layering. Are friends or family in town for the holidays who you don't usually see? Take a walk together and walk the dog too. You both get in a workout and catch up. Or do your shopping together. You're still doing things you enjoy and knocking things off your to-do list. Win-win!

Good is good enough. Read that again. I understand the pressure of creating a magical holiday season for your kids. It's been a challenging few years for working mamas and there are added financial stressors now. Give yourself permission to step away from the idea of perfection for now (or maybe you embrace this mantra for all of 2023?). No need to be Martha Stewart. Your kids will remember the fun and connection, not any imperfections you see.

End the year strong at work. Yes, I know it's a busy time. You can still have a solid end to the year, but it generally doesn't simply happen. You need to get intentional here too. Be specific about your goals. Plan your time. Say no like a toddler who has just discovered the word to maintain your boundaries. This is not the time to take on something new (unless it has a very specific purpose for you). Ask for the help you need, which might mean moving around deadlines or delegating. Yep, share that mental load.

Focus on your health. I get that it's easy to overdo it with too much sugar and alcohol and not enough sleep during the holiday season. My sweet tooth loves this time of year! Enjoy the holidays and still be healthy. Get tips from our resident nutrition expert, Amanda Smallwood, to help you avoid overindulging. And get enough sleep too. Your immune system will thank you and you won't be exhausted.

Have a trick you swear by to help you thrive during the holidays? I'd love to hear it!

Hope it's a great start to the holiday season,

PS Know a mom who is feeling overwhelmed right now? Show her a little love and pass this on to help her out.

PPS Mompowerment books make great gifts, especially for new moms or for your fellow book club friends. Special pricing on
5-pack bundles of the paperbacks and shipping and tax are on me. Let me know if you want the books signed.

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How Can I Help You?

Trying to make meaningful changes to create a greater work-life balance in the new year? Putting together a proposal for changes at work? Working on your morning routine?

Book a strategy session with Suzanne to help you solve a specific challenge or review your proposal. Take action now so you keep moving closer to the work-life balance you want!

As a manager or senior leader, are you trying to focus more on wellness for your team and employees? Schedule time for a strategy session with Suzanne to brainstorm how you can support your team so you attract and retain the amazing working moms in your organization. Recommend Suzanne to do a workshop in an Employee Resource Group (ERG) in 2023.

See more about Suzanne's speaking services and topics

20-minute, 60-minute, half-day, and whole day sessions available

Book Your Session Today!

Insights from Mompowerment

Be Intentional During the Holidays

You can choose what your holidays look like. Get tips on how to be intentional during the holidays so that it's the holiday season you want.

Simply Your Holiday Meals

Get tips to help you simplify your holiday meals.

Helpful Thoughts & Tools from Others

Upcoming Events

Private events for various groups and companies

New training opportunities for the Mompowerment community – coming soon!

Buy the Books

Grab your copy of either of the award-winning Mompowerment books for yourself, your friends and colleagues, or your employees. 
Buy "Mompowerment" Book on Amazon
Buy "The Mompowerment Guide to Work-Life Balance" on Amazon

About Suzanne Brown

Suzanne Brown is a strategic marketing and business consultant and work-life balance speaker, workplace strategist, and bestselling and 4-time award-winning author. She empowers working moms to create greater work-life balance and helps companies become more balance friendly. Read her weekly blog, watch her TED talk, or read more about her books at She lives in Austin, TX with her husband and two young boys.
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