Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Time Value of Planning

Hi read,

Want to know why I think planning is so important? Well, let me tell you a story about a planning fail I had last week and what it cost me.

Last Monday, I submitted my weekly grocery order like I always do. It arrived, I stored it, all good. They even had everything I ordered for a change. Hooray!

On Wednesday, I went to take out the ingredients I needed for Wednesday night dinner and realized I had forgotten to order rice. We were out and I really needed rice for that dinner.

So I had to rush around to get the rice. I submitted a Targer pickup order, which didn't take much time. Unfortunately, I then had to go pick up the order at the busiest time of day. It added about 30 minutes of unexpected effort to my day to get that bag of rice.

Now thirty minutes may not seem like much, but for a few reasons I think it is hugely important:

#1 I just don't have time for multiple 30 minute additions to my week. That will add up fast!

#2 If I had a better system for tracking out of stock pantry items, getting that rice would have taken me about 10 seconds instead of 30 minutes. I'd say that's well worth the investment in a good system.

#3 Setting aside the time cost, there was stress too. The Target pickup meant I was later picking up my dog from doggie daycare and had to rush to make dinner. I almost didn't have it ready on time and I was stressed for the whole 2 hours between leaving my office and getting dinner on the table. It was pointless stress!

So to avoid this issue in the future, I am doing something super simple:

I do my regular grocery order from WalMart. If I notice I'm missing something, I pull up the Wal Mart app and add it my cart right then and there. It can sit for a whole week until I'm ready for my Monday order.

It's a simple habit that I know will save me hours of time and stress going forward.

Do you want to save time with better systems? Just reply "Yes" if so and I will do a tutorial on this topic soon!



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