Thursday, January 19, 2023

We are Ludo - Thursday 19th January 2023

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I hope you are all well and back into the flow of school drops offs and working. Christmas already feels like a lifetime ago to me. Life has been busy! My eldest is driving up the East Coast of Australia on a road trip with a friend, child number 2 is in her final year of school so we are on the home straight now to A Levels and my youngest is in year 2. The middle one has had mocks so the stress levels have been high. Sometimes I am not sure who gets more stressed, her about her exams or me about the stress she is offloading when I have plenty of my own!

We have had 3 amazing Ludo Lives this week. Do you watch them? We go live on
LinkedIn once or twice a week (it's a
special week of 3 this week!) and we talk about a wide array of subjects. This week we spoke to Cara about Burnout, Emma about her 'wobble toolkit' and Celynn about managing energy levels. The subject of our breath came through in all our conversations, and the ways in which this can help stress.

We have a couple of great blogs for you this week on Strength Training to support menopause symptoms and how to beat the January Blues.

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January Blues
January usually brings the detox, weight loss, join the gym, dry January brigade. BUT if you're not in the mood for that band wagon that is fine, small steps make big changes.

Strength Training for Menopause 

Find out how weightlifting has really helped guest blogger Esther as I navigate her midlife, including being pushed into early menopause and, at times, symptoms of both anxiety and depression.

Read all about it here>>>

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