Wednesday, February 15, 2023

We are Ludo - Wednesday 15th February 2023

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It feels like there has been a lot in the news in the last couple of weeks. All incredibly overwhelming. The earthquake in Turkey/Syria is devastating, with so much loss and pain for those impacted. Seeing a newborn baby pulled from the rubble had me in tears, and I felt helpless. I am sure you have done your bit but if you still want to help in some way there are a number of ways in which you can donate to help the rescue efforts. Red Cross and Unicef both have appeals at the moment which you can donate to.

The news has been filled with the horrific news of the murder of Emma and Lettie Pattison by her husband George who then took his own life. As if this wasn't harrowing enough, the Daily Mail ran a headline 'Did living in the shadow of his high achieving wife lead to unthinkable tragedy?'. This has sparked much discussion across social channels and rightly so. The tabloids suggesting her career had something to do with it is horrible. Violence against women is at an epidemic level and we need to call out this ongoing shaming of women and success. 

We are excited to let you know that we have a workshop taking place on the 21st March where we will cover the foundations of healthy financial management, the healing benefits of movement and breathwork and how to manage the gut-brain relationship to optimise health and wellness.

Did you know we run all kinds of workshops for our clients?  You can see them here. A popular one has been this one, a Masterclass on Public Speaking.  

I hope you are all having a good half term. With school strikes and pressure rising on parents even more, it can all feel very overwhelming. This week, we are talking about how to help decrease the risk of burnout and we have a few tips and tricks to help your return to work after mat leave.

Don't forget to fill in our survey on how female friendly your workplace is!

Answer 15 questions and we'll send you a free personalised report
This quick survey has been designed to show businesses of all sizes their blind spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve

✔️ It takes just 2 minutes
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Simply click HERE and fill in the form! 

Please remember to introduce us to your employer. We want to have a chat with your Head of HR or Diversity & Inclusion lead on how to retain female talent. 

The Three Brains: head, heart & gut

On Tuesday 21st March we are hosting a live workshop and discussion that promises to be educational and inspirational aimed at exploring the interaction between the head, heart and gut.

Our panel will share their insights and expertise with examples and tools to help navigate your own journey. You will be provided with resources to empower you to take control of your three brains and have the opportunity to connect with women on a similar journey.

You can get your ticket here >>>


Rewiring your Brain for Uncertainty!
Research reveals women are more at risk of burnout than men. Cara de  Lange's talk for International Women's Day is informative, science backed, fun and shares practical tools and tips.

You can find out how to beat the burnout here >>>

Work after Mat Leave

Returning to work after maternity leave can bring about a whirlwind of emotions. So how can we make the transition as smooth as possible? Lea Henry has put together a list of some of the things I'm doing to prepare as my return to work creeps closer.

You can read all about here >>>

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M1 2JQ
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