Friday, April 21, 2023

We are Ludo - Friday 21st April 2023

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I trust you have all got your kiddliwinks back to school after the Easter break.  We have had an exciting week in Ludo HQ with another monthly team day and a final farewell to our intern Annie, who heads back to the US at the weekend.  The Ludo team work primarily remotely so it is always a joy to have us in one place and taking the time to connect in person.  Flexible working is so important for WoMos and we recognise how it can positively impact family life.  Not only that, it is part of true inclusion.  This isn't a woman 'problem'.  Flexible working for all, and being able to balance work and real life allows each employee to focus on what is important to them alongside their work.  
In this newsletter we have 2 imminent events for you:

25th April - Revolutionising the Workplace: Unleashing Female Talent for Business Growth.

26th April - Gaining Insight into Recurrent Miscarriage and Discovering the Prevention.

And a blog from Thyia, the convenient alternative to the smear test.  This business will revolutionise the way we get ourselves checked when it comes to the smear test.  We have a new workshop launched from one of our Ludo Partners, more information here

Did you know we offer coaching and workshops to companies.  Let us know how we can speak to you or your HR team to share how we can improve learning and education around Inclusion.

Don't forget to fill in our survey on how female friendly your workplace is!

Answer 15 questions and we'll send you a free personalised report
This quick survey has been designed to show businesses of all sizes their blind spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve

✔️ It takes just 2 minutes
✔️ It's completely free
✔️ Receive customised results instantly

Simply click
HERE and fill in the form! 

Please remember to introduce us to your employer. We want to have a chat with your Head of HR or Diversity & Inclusion lead on how to retain female talent. 

Revolutionising the Workplace: Unleashing Female Talent for Business Growth

Looking to create a more inclusive and empowering workplace for women? Join Femtech Lab on the 25th April for an exciting event that dives deep into the latest Women's HealthTech innovations that are transforming the workplace. 

Discover the key strategies for attracting and retaining top talent by creating a more equitable workspace. 

Find out more & book here>>>

Gaining Insight into Recurrent Miscarriage and Discovering the Prevention Webinar

Putting an End to Heartbreak: Gaining Insight into Recurrent Miscarriage and Discovering the Prevention.

An online webinar, 26th April at 7pm with some great guest speakers. 

Find out more & book here>>> 

At Home Cervical Screening

Say goodbye to discomfort and inconvenience with Thyia's smear test alternative. The perfect solution for at-home cervical screening.

Every day in the UK, 9 women are given the devastating news that they have cervical cancer. Imagine the heartbreak and fear felt by these women and their loved ones as their lives are forever changed by this diagnosis.

Find out more here>>> 

Farewell to Annie

You may remember me introducing Annie to you 6 weeks ago? Her internship has come to an end and she heads back to the USA this weekend. She has enjoyed her time with us and we will miss her. 

A photo from yesterday's team day where we reviewd our OKRs as a team, discussed our sales strategy, talked out partnerships, our ambassadors, company values and had an advisory board update. Exciting times for Ludo!
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We Are Ludo
83 Dulcie Street
M1 2JQ
United Kingdom

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