Thursday, January 18, 2024

My Colonoscopy Was The Nap I Didn’t Know I Needed

Jan. 18, 2024
My Colonoscopy Was The Nap I Didn't Know I Needed

"Always an overachiever, I actually had my first mammogram and colonoscopy before 40 due to family history and some mildly concerning test results that sent me into a Google doom spiral for days," writes Meg St-Esprit. "While everything was thankfully fine, I've found many friends often reach out to ask me for the deets, especially about that colonoscopy. While I am more than willing to share the shitty specifics, I also tell them it wasn't that bad. And as a mom to four young kids, it was honestly... kind of a break."

And today she's explaining why. Maybe it'll be the nudge you need to get your checks scheduled.

Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor

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What We're Reading
Don't Ditch Standardized Tests. Fix Them.
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