Thursday, January 18, 2024

We are Ludo - Thursday 18th January 2024

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Hello Ludo Community

For the audience we have in the UK, my first question is: How freezing are you?  It was -4 when I did the school run this morning.  And it felt very very cold!  By some bizarre twist of fate, the morning when it felt the most challenging to get out of bed, my 21 year old and 18 year old decided they would join me for an early gym trip.  I usually drop my 7 year old at school and then head straight to the gym.  Today, my daughters joined the round trip and it was so lovely to have all 3 of my kiddos together.  They are hard gym nuts so pushed me hard.  I write this with aching abs!  
For our audience outside the UK and in warmer climates, I feel jealous.  Just saying!  
Someone said Happy New Year to me on a call this morning, and it felt weird, as if the concept of New Year was a far flung memory.  How does January go so slow and so fast all at once?  I hope you are into the swing of the new year, dodging lurgies coming home from school and nursery and back into work mode.  

Did you set New Year's resolutions? We have a blog on how to remain disciplined.   And we have a blog on why mental health in the workplace must be a priority.  At this time of year, it is often a time when people feel low.  It is darker, colder and a time when we naturally revisit where we are in life as the year begins.  
Finally, we have some great Ludo offers with 25% discount on workshops.  A link to our workshops is here.  Talk to us if you want something bespoke for your teams.  With over 100 Ludo partners, we have plenty of expertise to draw on! 
Sending you all warmth,

Discipline: The Ultimate Act of Self-Love on the Path to Achieving Your Goals

In the pursuit of our aspirations, goals, and dreams, the road to success is often paved with challenges, sacrifices, and moments that test our resolve. One indispensable quality that can steer us through these trials is discipline. Far from being a rigid and restrictive force, discipline is, in fact, the ultimate expression of self-love.

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Prioritising Employee Mental Health

In the fast-paced and demanding world of modern workplaces, the significance of prioritising employee mental health cannot be overstated. The success and growth of any organisation is intricately tied to the well-being of its workforce.  Here are just some of the compelling reasons why businesses must prioritise the mental health of their employees.

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