As a visually powerful person, I feel the deep appreciation of a photo.
When it comes to preserving moments into memories, even with a cell phone is the best option!
Coming from someone who has a beautiful Canon Camera set up 😉
One thing that also helped me surrender to the perfectionist tendencies.
As I expanded on my photography experience and knowledge, I wanted to just use my DSLR camera all the time. As I would soon experience, as a mom with 2 toddlers less than 18mths apart, sometimes the cell phone IS the best option!
Fast forward many years, the DSLR, Mirrorless cameras are that much more affordable to experience and use, expand on knowledge - various options of size, lenses etc. Smart cell phones are also the norm, so everyone also has a camera with them all.the.time.
As a mom watching our kids hockey games, its absolutely heart warming to see the variety of cameras being used to capture the "big" moments! I am so intrigued to learn what other people shoot with, why they chose it, how they like it and seeing their proudest work!
Everyone's photography is so unique and that is what lights my heart up in the most warming ways. Also a beautiful reminder to stay true to my heart, to my style to what brings out the best in me.
Now, Im curious... what do you shoot with, why and what is your favourite lens set up?
I will start... My absolute favourite set up was my 5DMIII, I have had now for 12 years, now Im shooting with the Canon R6MII - I have to admit I love that toggle on the back of the camera and the larger size. I do love my smaller RP model, however I personally prefer the larger camera in my hand. I snagged a beautiful lens used from Henrys this fall, the 16-35mm f2.8L, it is gorgeous! I wanted a lower light lens to use indoors with my R6MII during the winter for any events, its one I highly recommend! The other indoor set up I highly recommend is the Canon RP and the RF35mm f1.8 - gorgeous combination!
I just actually shared some photos I captured with my cell phone during a snowmobile ride out in Grey County yesterday, capture the moment - always the goal! ❤
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