Monday, February 19, 2024

The most important email I'll send this year

Hi read,

Do you find yourself saying "I wish I had time for..." or "I would love to, but I'm just too busy..." or even "I feel like my kids are growing up so fast and I don't have enough time with them."?

I felt this way so often when I was a new parent.

I sobbed the day I dropped my baby off at daycare for the first time, feeling like I would miss so many important things in her life.

That baby is about to turn TWELVE and my fears were totally unjustified. I can't count the number of quality hours I've spent with her over the last decade plus. From going to visit the local horse farm after work when she was little to chasing her down the ski run last weekend, I feel like I have plenty of time for her.

See, early on I realized that there were things I cared a lot about:

  • Quality time with my family
  • My career
  • Giving back to women in STEM
  • Fitness
  • Time just for myself

I quickly realized there were plenty of activities I had to spend less time on to make room for my top priorities. Things like these took a back seat:

  • Chores
  • Errands
  • Meal Planning
  • Laundry
  • Re-work at home or work due to poor planning

If you want to look back with pride and satisfaction on each phase of your life, you have to do two critical things:

#1 Know what matters to you

#2 Spend your precious, limited time accordingly.

We're going to talk about #2 over the coming weeks, but before we do that it is absolutely critical to know the answer to #1.

Can you find a few quiet minutes today to think about the things that really matter to you? I mean, truly matter. When you're looking back on this time of your life, what do you hope to see? If you can, I highly recommend setting a timer for 15 minutes and doing this exercise with a pen and paper. It will really get your brain working!

When you're done, circle the things that stand out. Your list could be 100% different from mine! The point is, it's yours and yours alone. Understanding your priorities is your tool for making quick decisions and your armor against external pressure. It informs every single system, hack, process, and choice that follows.

I would LOVE to hear your answer to what really matters to you. Please hit "reply" and let me know. As an added incentive, I will give away a free planner to one person who replies! It's going to be random based on my current favorite. So hit that reply button and let me know what your priorities are!

Beth @ Parent Lightly

PS. Content ends at midnight mountain standard time on 2/22/24

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