Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Time Waster in Your Pocket

Hi read,

I recently got a question from a reader wondering if I had any advice about how to "STOP the scroll". I had a massive ah hah moment when I saw this question. So many of us want to spend quality time with family, grow our careers, and commit to a healthy lifestyle. I didn't get a single email from someone who wanted to spend more time on Instagram. :)

If you're anything like me, your phone can eat up a lot of time. Personally I have plenty of other things I would rather do than look at my phone, but it can be a habit that's hard to break! I have reduced my phone usage with a few simple tactics over the years. I'm not perfect, but I do feel like I'm using my time better now.

Here are my favorite tips to use your phone less:

  • Uninstall Social Media Apps: I got rid of all social media apps on my phone. I still look at Facebook on my computer (I use the Buy Nothing group and the Ski Moms group a lot). I don't even look at Instagram anymore. Twitter never did it for me so that was easy. I find this really reduces the mindless scrolling because I just don't have easy access.
  • Read Real Books: I'm trying to read more physical books instead of reading on my phone. When I read on the Kindle app, the temptation is high to bounce over to something else. That temptation is lower when I read a physical book because there is another step required to look at my phone.
  • Find Other Things to Do: If you're not into books, find other high quality hobbies or leisure activities. Ideas I have heard recently include sewing, knitting, baking, high quality movies, and playing music. Personally I have recently taken up playing the piano again after years off and I really enjoy it as a wind down activity in the evening.
  • Dock your Phone: I try to plug my phone in during certain times when I'm home with my family. For example, on weekends when I'm watching a movie with the kids, I dock my phone in my room so it's out of reach. This really helps me focus on the moment.
  • Time Block Phone/Social Media Use: My current work schedule allows me to have a good block of time in the morning to crank through work tasks and projects. To ensure I make good use of that time, I often use the Pomodoro technique. This is 25 minutes of focused work and then a 5 minute break. After 3-4 consecutive work intervals, you take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. I allow myself to look at fun websites or play on my phone only when I'm on a break. That way I don't get sucked into my phone or social media.

If you are interested in a deeper dive on this topic, I recommend Cal Newport's book Digital Minimalism. I would love to hear your questions or challenges in this area! Send them on over.


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