Friday, August 30, 2024

We are Ludo - Friday 30th August 2024

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Hello Ludo Community

Good afternoon 

I write this from a beach in North Norfolk, at the end of a wonderful week off with my family. As for once I took a proper week off. I didn't book any meetings and truly switched off. A rarity for me. Ironic to say that as I write the newsletter but it was the one thing I needed to write.

Why? Because we have 2 things to share from Ludo HQ that I am very excited about and the first one is pressing as it's next week!!!

I am hosting an epic event alongside the brilliant Abi Adams.  Centered around seasonal living this is an event for women ready to launch into autumn in full flow. 

What is seasonal living you might ask? 
Seasonal living is the practice of aligning one's lifestyle, activities, and habits with the natural rhythms of the seasons. It involves eating seasonal foods, adjusting daily routines to the changing daylight, and embracing the unique opportunities each season offers, like outdoor activities in summer and introspective practices in winter.  By living seasonally, individuals can connect more deeply with nature, improve their well-being, and experience a greater sense of balance and harmony throughout the year.

You can read more about it HERE

Secondly we have an incredible partnership set up with Metluma. If you want your business to do better when it comes to menopause, please introduce them to this amazing discounted offer from Metluma. And through Ludo you get more than 50% off. I am more than happy to chat to your leadership team and/or HR to explain the benefits of supporting women through the years of perimenopause. It's good for employees and good for business. Women's health has been neglected for far too long in the workplace and it's is such a joy to work with Metluma on their mission. 

You can read more about it HERE.

I'm signing off grateful the schools are back next week. I don't know about you but I'm ready for it! The summer is wonderful but the never ending juggle of childcare, work and general WoMo (working mother) life does get overwhelming as the weeks go on. 

Sending you all lots of love and joy, 


Exclusive Invitation: Experience a New Model of Care for Peri-/Menopause at Work Lead the Change in How UK Workplaces Support Women. Metluma and Ludo invite a select group to experience.

Read more >>>

The Art of Seasonality

Join Abi Adams and Elizabeth Cowper for an incredible day in London. The Autumn Seasonality event will support you in your transition into Autumn. Taking place on 7th September. 

Read more >>>
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