Adulthood is a scam, can I get an Amen???

We all undoubtedly fantasized about all the freedom we'd have as an adult when you were kids. Unfortunately, adulthood comes with a slew of responsibilities that your childhood self might not have imagined.

So we recently asked people to share adult problems they weren't prepared for and these responses are totally relatable and eye-opening.

Here are some of the responses:

1. "You can seriously hurt yourself by sleeping the wrong way. Your metabolism finally catches up to you. It can be very lonely at times. Also, watching my parents grow old and having to deal with health problems is something I've been struggling with."

2. "So much in your life is out of your control. Life will constantly throw you hardballs, and it's your job to dodge, or get hit and keep moving on."

3. "Not having a horizon to aim for. The question was always "what do you want to be when you grow up?", but never "what do you want to do when you grow up, outside of your job?". Or, to put it more simply: existential over choice."

4. "The meaninglessness of everyday life."

5. "Boners happening at the absolute worst times."

6. "Getting wrinkles, gravity and creaking."

7. "Life is very easy and structured when you're young. You just have to follow a path and even when you stray from the path it's very easy to find your way back. As an adult, the path is gone. And it's foggy so you can't see where you are going. And people will point you in the wrong direction. It's easy to run in circles or get lost."

8. "I didn't know I needed to buy so much milk?"

9. "The high cost of living."

10. "Personal finance."

11. "How difficult it is to make friends."

12. "Convincing people that you're worth getting employed, even when you have skills on paper."

13. "Lack of purpose."

14. "Doing the best you can to make a good life and still fucking it up."

15. "Hairline receding at 26 just when you're starting to be comfortable with your looks."

16. "The really soul-crushing job search."

17. "Making the most of a bad situation and still screwing it up."

18. "How to cope with the loneliness."

19. "Credit and lower back pain."

20. "The fact that a ton of people will lie, cheat, steal, and backstab to get ahead."

21. "How high school friendships just vanish into nothingness."

22. "Cysts"

23. "Depression from a dead bedroom"

24. "Crippling pain of my body wasting away."

25. "You'll have time to do everything you want when you're an adult!" Yeah, no."

26. "Realizing that making and keeping friends is extremely hard. People drift apart pretty easy."

27. "So much less free time with so much more responsibility, and I don't even have children. I literally can't figure out where the fuck children would fit into my life right now."

28. "How petty and small-minded people can be, especially in the workforce."

29. "Haemorrhoids"

30. "Debt"

31. "That no one actually cares."

32. "No one, I repeat, NO ONE mentioned anything about Sapa! They told me I'd be rich. Where are my mansions and cars? Where are all the things they said I'd have if I just grew up? Biggest scam in life. I want my childhood back."

33. "I knew I was going to have to go work, but no one mentioned it was going to be like bondage. Graduated school, still waking up at six to go somewhere I'd rather not go to. I love my job but where is the freedom I was promised?"

34. "Now that I'm a big ol' adult, everyone's somehow expecting me to get married and have kids for some reason. At this point, I'm definitely going to be opting out of some of the adult packages."

35. "Let's also talk about how expensive things are now. I know it's inflation but yikes. Why is one pot so darn expensive? I'm not brewing potions, I just want to make rice."

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