Have you ever been astounded by the beauteous forms of nature?Well,who haven't!!!Specially a person like me whose sole purpose of traveling revolves around exploring the wonders of nature.If you have taken a glimpse at my blog posts and I'm guessing you've😀,you might've stumbled across one of my posts on those amazing waterfalls around my place that I selected to take a tour on weekends.In today's blog,I will share my excitement and amazement while visiting to Niagara Falls.

Arranging a trip to Niagara from Tennessee doesn't seem to be an easy one,Specially when you're trying to execute your plan in the midst of Pandemic.You can get two options-traveling by car or by flight.Neither did we take the risk of driving all the way through Niagara, nor we opted for plane.We had a pre-planned visit to Philadelphia to our friend's house and included our sojourn to Niagara while staying at our friend's house.

Our trip to Niagara was freakishly short.We started our eventful journey to Niagara Falls by car at 6 in the morning from Philly and it took 6hrs to reach to our destination.Pretty Quick!!!! We had 3hrs to relish the beauty of the falls as we decided to return on the same day.The sun was at the top of our head by the time we reached Niagara state National Park and it was the hell of a day with the scorching heat of sun over our head.But we set aside everything as we experience the spectacular sight of American Falls,one of the second largest falls that combined to make Niagara Falls.

We strolled through the park until the magnificent falls came into view.I was dumbfounded by the vastness of the falls as I stopped.This view can not be compared to those pictures that has already been uploaded on google.Looking from American border,I contemplated the enchanting beauty of the falls that engulfed my mind and wondered how it would look like if seen from Canadian border. I tried to capture every moment into my camera.The mighty falls seemed like a goddess appearing with her captivating beauty, holding the entire universe in her grip and we are her worshippers gathered in her kingdom for exalting her power and glorifying her beauty.

Photos below:

Truly one of a kind!!!!!!!!!

As we were running out of time,we couldn't complete visiting the entire park.Due to Pandemic,we had to cut some trips leading towards the close view of the falls through'Maid of the Mist' and 'Cave of the Wind'.Keeping all the memories freshly implanted in our mind,we had to bid adieu to the gigantic falls and the park.

Hope you liked my visit to Niagara Falls.Let me know your experiences.I'd love to read it.See you in the next blog.😊

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