Like the stanza of the poem that stated: "The citizens aren't allowed to light up the candles!"…………off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The online sensation, "XXXX Kitty" after getting the vaccines of Medigenvac, he'd gone to the He-Hsin Clinic to check his antibodies, and found that it's low.  Many a day later, the command center finally woke up, stated that He-Hsin hadn't been certified to check the antibodies for anybody, that it may have, broken the laws.  Toward this, the Mayor, Ke criticized Central for fearing the public getting tested for antibodies, but the Department of Sanitations in Taipei fined the clinic, because the clinic "charged" for the antibody tests.

People got vaccinated, but couldn't test if see there are the antibodies in their bodies, to understand, if the vaccines are, working?  This is, a brand new page to "allowing the heads of government to set the fires, and not allowed the ordinary citizens to light the candles for light".  The Command Center just earlier, allowed the twelve medical centers, the hospitals to test the pilots for their antibody contents after the vaccinations, then, why can't we, ordinary citizens, pay for these tests ourselves?  It is, our rights, to know if our bodies are, functioning, besides, we're the ones, paying the fees, the charges for these, tests; even as the Command Center is bossy, can it, strip the rights of we the people's right to know?  Or, are the pilots, now among, the elites?

we are the ones, paying, OUT of our own, pockets for the tests, and the government fined the clinic for administering the test to the people???

photo from online

Bluntly stated, reason why the clinic got on the bad side of the government lies not in its charging for the antibodies test, but because the results of the tests showed, that Medigenvac vaccines aren't, effective enough at all, it'd, made Tsai's government, lose face.  This was, its, original sin.  Besides, back in June, He-Hsin had filed the paper works for becoming an antibodies testing clinic, it's the government that's, not signed off on it, undoubtedly; until the myths of Medigenvac was, busted, that was when the Central government got, angered.

The powers of the Tsai government is, too deep for us, to imagine, but, the local government's don't pale by comparison either.  The mayor of Taipei, Ke, disagreed with the Central's "not testing antibodies" means, but the head of sanitation under his rules, took the "Medical Rights Law" as a shield, fining the clinic, using the reasons of it "charged" the citizens for the antibodies tests.  This matter, if the separate clinics don't charge us, should the bill be given to the central government then?

In the name of the outbreaks, the government can lie as it wishes, and, finds someone guilty of the claims.  This is, the modern day, "bureaucracy of Taiwan" all right!

This is still, BULLSHIT, as WE the people HAVE the rights to know IF the vaccines we got are working, and besides, it was this man who'd, PAID for the antibodies test out of HIS own pockets (is the government also in charge, of how we spend our money now???), and the clinic got fined, and the clinic here, is still, THE scapegoat, because the government knew damn well, that the "homegrown" vaccines can't be effective enough, so that, was why they were, against the people who had their vaccinations from Medigenvac (hadn't even passed the stage THREE tests yet too!!!), testing themselves.

Yep, this is, no longer, a democracy we're, living in right now, with the government, CONTROLLING what we the people are, up to, controlling how we treat our, bodies too……………

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