It's Labor Day!  The last day of pool season! 

I went to the pool yesterday and today.  I HAD TO!!!

There were more people there today than yesterday.  Many of the "regulars" were in attendance getting the last sun and fun fix of the season.  There were the four ladies, the Grandpa who has two young grandsons that can swim, but he is working on other water skills for their safety, and the big, bald dad who has a tiny little blonde daughter; it is wonderful to watch them interact.

I noticed a couple of things the past two days that I hadn't before, probably because there are usually more people at the pool.

1 - The southwest corner of the pool is a great little "make out" corner,  There were two couples that took advantage of this, yesterday and today!!

2 - The northeast corner of the pool is a great place to float!!  I was able to support my arms and head while allowing the rest of my body to float...Awesome!! This corner floating spot also gives you a chance to tune out other sounds at the pool except for the water rushing into the filter system.  Is it the ocean, no, but the sound is pretty nice and relaxing.

I started and ended my day at the pool with diving.  Well, that isn't exactly true.  I planned to do a final dive and swim to the other side to exit the pool for the season.  When I got to the other side, I couldn't do it, I couldn't get out!  I had to do one last float!!  So, I did! 

I am so grateful for the public pools in our area.  To have the opportunity to spend the afternoon and early evening at the pool is one of my favorite things to do.  Absorbing the sun's rays, cooling off in the water, floating, diving, watching the people.  Amazing.

So now it's a waiting game until next summer, when I can get back to the pool!  I can't wait!! I'm posting a picture from the other day.

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