The EGO of the government is what SCREWED us, then, the policies regarding the quarantine periods, the vaccination orders and, it all, snowballed, and that is how, the government, managed to screw, WE the people, O-V-E-R!  Political observations from the Front Page Sections, translated…

The pilots of EVAAIR contracted the delta strain, one of them had, passed it to his son, causing the technical university his son attended to shut down for two whole weeks.  From before, the China-Air initiated local epidemic only started settling, now, Eva Air was the one, causing this current restart of the outbreaks, tracing to the roots, it's all due to the carelessness of the CDC's regulations of defense against the spread of MERS-CoV.  From before, a total of eight hundred in the population had died, while Chen insisted that the China-Airlines, the quarantine hotels aren't a "clear cause"; it's all because of the commander's inability to introspect, that's why he kept making the same mistakes.

From our knowledge, the breakthrough of the virus came from the "Three-plus-Eleven" quarantine rule mistake.  Because of the DDP legislator, Fang's pushing through the rules, the Command Center relaxed on the rules, allowing the pilots to only quarantine at home for just three days only, then, eleven days more of self- health management.  By this, this was way shorter than normal citizens' fourteen plus seven days of quarantine.  And because the term is too short, to see if the virus is present, it'd caused the pilots with the contractions in the hibernation period to go out to their communities, and spread the virus all across Taiwan, causing the downfall of the breaking down of the systems as the local epidemics occurred on a grander scale in May.

But, Chen hadn't learned from this lesson, nor admitted that the hotel quarantine of China-Airlines is the "hole" in the systems, in June, July, he'd opened up the "three-plus eleven", the "five-plus-nine" quarantines to the pilots.  Of these, to all the pilots who had two full vaccines, the "demands" of "Self-management for seven days" are made of them, deleting the at-home quarantine terms completely.  The assumptions of the Command Center was: as the pilots received two vaccines for over two weeks, they have the protections, so there's no need for the stricter rules of quarantines then.  Unfortunately, the three pilots who contracted the virus all had their, two doses of Astra-Zeneca, and yet, there's, no "protective wear" to their systems' defenses, they were both attacked by the Delta strain in other countries, then, returned home, and passed it to other members of their own, families.

From the Command Center's perspectives, the government believes that two vaccinations means complete defense, that the pilots don't need to quarantine, this was, completely, backwards, and incorrect cognition.  In actuality, from July to date, there were more than forty cases from internationally who'd shown "breakthrough sort of contraction", there were eight cases locally too, and of them, there were an assortments of brands of vaccines, AZ being the most.  This showed, that two doses doesn't guarantee the human bodies from being invaded by the virus, especially the delta strain.  With the forefronts of the China-Airline/quarantine hotel cases, the command center had, loosen up the rules of pilots' quarantine terms; and, we'd fallen twice, on the, exact, same locations, could Chen be only, amnesic?  Or did he, lose his abilities to learn from his own mistakes, to employ a different method? 

There are the mutations coming currently, and the vaccines needed to be updated again, again, and again, there's a need to improve the methods of treatments for the patients, including the tactics of defense against the spread for the whole country needed advancing too.  But on Chen, people saw no evolution in his management, and his thought, he kept using that last year mindset of "wow, we stopped the spread"!, not seen how we are all, depressed in the currently outbreak, how the lives are, lost daily, not seen how hard the medical professionals are working their lives away.  He'd only reported on the numbers, reading from the scripts on T.V., and, talked down to members of the press who'd questioned his ways, and started arguing for how he did right.  As for why there are not enough vaccines in the country, Chen felt no need to reply to.

And, let's look at the special treatment of the pilots the government allowed, it'd become their supposed "special rights".  Even if there's only a shortened week-long quarantine, some of the pilots still found holes.  In these past two days, there was a pilot who was supposed to be in self-quarantine, who was sighted at a populated restaurant to dine, and, lied about his status at the filling out of the forms, lied about his situation when asked.  With the special rights to them, and not fulfilling their obligated terms of quarantines, these are the holes in the systems that the government made, especially for these personnel, who can possibly, stop it?

The outbreak in May was caused by China Airlines, the September outbreaks, by Eva Air, it showed, of how egotistical, how foolish the Tsai government and the center for disease control are.  Egotistical in, that they'd, overestimated their own abilities, couldn't manage the systems effectively, that's why they'd fallen, on the, exact, same spots, TWICE!  The stubborn part is, they don't want to learn from their mistakes, allowing their asses to think for their actions, and putting, ALL our lives, in harms' way!

And so, there's still, NOTHING that we can do, about this, shitty government of ours, it'd started screwing us all over, with the vaccine policies first, not enough are coming in, everything is delayed here, what we'd "ordered", hadn't even come in by half, and now, schools are starting, and we working class people in our thirties, forties, are pushed back on the vaccine orders, because the government was too ill-prepared for the epidemic, because the government still lived in that stupid mindset of, "We're all alright!", thus, screwing, WE the people, O-V-E-R!  And, unfortunately, there's still, NOTHING we can do about it…

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