Life as a mom can be quite challenging even more when you are off balance. There are so many things as parents that we try to balance daily but you find that some things we may not directly be aware of or notice.

Why it is important to harmonise your relationship with everything

Your ability to do anything starts with your mindset. When you believe you can achieve anything then you can!

That is why i emphasise finding harmony in your daily activities which boost your self awareness too in your capabilities.

Being off balance in life with work, chores, relationships, money and lifestyle delays and frustrates progress.

Tracking imbalance at home and work.
You will know for sure but may not be directly aware. That feeling when you know something is missing! Quick example!i may be a great cook for my family but forget to engage in the little things that make them happy! Like simple bible reading before bed or just being present with your cell phone off.

Lets highlight things that can help you find balance and harmony in your life from day to day!


  • Make time to know God
  • Make time with yourself
  • Set clear goals
  • Remember to prioritise your goals
  • Nurture the relationships that matter most
  • Serve others with your gifts and talents
  • Maximise on time saving hacks and minimise distractions
  • Take care of your health
  • Turn off your cellphone

Make time to know God

In order to get to know someone, you have to spend time with the person and get to know them. God has given us His Word to know Him and There is that desire in us all to to know Him.

Pursue your relationship with God daily, not only reading His Word but obeying Him by doing His Word. Know what God says about family and about raising children.

Life is too big and its easy to lose balance when your relationship with God is not pursued by you. You even feel there is something missing!

Make time with yourself

Get to know yourself! There was a point in my life where i was born again but did not pursue a relationship with God. I realised i did not know who i was but only knew how people perceived me and the people i surrounded myself with.

I got an awakening when i realised that if everything i have known to myself would be stripped off from me, i would not know who i am and who is Lord over me.

Get to know yourself mama! Know what makes you happy, know what makes you unhappy, know what you enjoy doing daily and set an intention to create more moments like that.

It is easier to notice when you lose track because you know what feeling you get when you are off balance and are able to recognise it and make necessary adjustments.

It is easier to set goals now that you know who you are, know what you want for yourself and your family. You even have a picture of where you see yourself in the next 5 years.

Set clear goals

Now that you know yourself, you will most definitely know where you need to go. We all have dreams for ourselves, our relationships and our children. These can easily remain as dreams or turn into fantasies unless we have clear goals of what we want.

These may be short term goals and long term goals.

As a mom You can do a lot of restaurant and outing visits yet at home the basic needs of clothing and bills to be paid are lingering. Your goals will direct what is a priority at that moment.

Remember to prioritise your goals

Its one thing to actually write down your goals and its another thing to follow through. Its easy to miss your goals by neglecting your daily activities as moms because we hardly ever take time to reflect but only focus on surviving the day!

I am still learning to be very disciplined in this area but i have come a long way. I used to spend a lot of weekends attending events until i realised my children are not getting any younger. I did not want to realise when they are adults that i missed quality time with them

My priorities have changed ever since. Weekends are for nurturing my body and mind and spending quality time with my family.

Notice too that You can spend all the time you have with your family but if you are unhappy then you only hurt your family more.

Nurture the relationships that matter

Nurture your relationships daily. It is easy to be so occupied with pressures the days bring and forget to appreciate your loved ones.

Your relationship with your spouse impacts your relationship with your children. Its easy to assume that the marriages we admire are just lucky. No if you can ask most of the people whose relationships you admire you would realise you focused on the end result and not the process.

You can have coffee out with your spouse yet the biggest issue is intimacy in the home that is neglected. Those are just things we may forget to balance from time to time.

There is a process involved in a relationship. There is time, intimacy, love and so much more.

Spending or prioritising the children more than you do your spouse. Pulling in different directions instead of pulling in one direction. This easily makes a home off balanced and there is no harmony in the roles.

Doing things as a family together makes it easier to balance the home life. You set an intention of your goals then you start living according to your goals.

Serve others with your gifts and talents

Being selfish is a very lonely place to be. Serving is so simple as sharing how you are able to save up for holidays while you still have other bills to pay.

Teach others on the things that you love. Help someone strengthen their relationship with God. Many times we think giving is in the form of material or money. It may be so but abundance of wealth is health, life, joy, peace and so much more.

Give what you have and you are teaching your children the importance of sharing, serving others and that life is big and we all matter in it.

You learn so much in this process and notice things you were not doing well and suddenly there is clarity because of the richness you carry within yourself.

Maximise on time saving hacks and minimise distractions

If you were to track where you lose track of time you would be surprised.

There are many things that steal our time as moms and we find ourselves behind schedule.

I love this example! you cannot have the same social media engagement as someone who does not have a spouse and children yet.

So watch your time on social media and when you often scroll aimlessly on feed know its time to do something else that could help your morning or evening routines healthier.

Ordering online, easy beauty routines, mom friendly effective exercises and simple menu plans help moms save so much time

Take care of your health

It is very important to have a healthy body and when you have children being healthy means you are less tired, more engaging with your family and less stressed.

Make time to excecise see also Stress free morning routines for moms happier days.

You can actually create a routine tailor fitted to your lifestyle. Depending on which time work best for you to just move your body. It really makes a big difference making you feel healthier and more energetic.

Mind your nutrition too. Commit to eating s balanced diet consistently too it makes a big difference. See Confronting moms fears constructively part 2. I share how i cook and save time for other thongs too on a daily basis.

Turn off your cell phone

Maybe not literally but sometimes remove your cell phone or other gadgets so you can be fully present for other activities in your life.

When you come home from work your children have missed you and may not express it in words but they will seek attention. If you are distracted you may shout and that is not a healthy relationship.

I noticed that whenever i give our children time without being distracted even if its 10 minutes they are the happiest.

I trust this is very helpful and you can relate well too to some or most things that can be off balance. Add to the list on the comments section or email me at

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