Hello again!

My long wait (or drought) almost came to an end this morning! Let me recap the conversation that I had with my dad:

Me: Hey Dad! We have to get to the outside basketball court in the next five minutes!

Dad: Why are you in such a hurry, Sikiboy?

Me: I just got a peemail from Baby "Hottie" Chihuahua and she wants to meet there as soon as possible.

Dad: Are you sure that you are ready to see her Siki? I heard that the first time you visited her, you were all "bark" and not much else.

Me: Dad, I was a little nervous about what she would think of my disability. In fact, when she told me that she had a headache, my fragile ego took a hit and I limped away in shame without looking back.

Dad: I am surprised that you are still talking to each other then, Siki.

Me: We've passed a lot of peemails back and forth since. It was a huge misunderstanding. She really did have a headache that day because it was in the middle of allergy season. And she told me that she didn't even notice my disability at all!

Dad: Ok Galan. I will walk you over there right now pal. But remember to behave yourself and by no means slobber all over her. Most females do not like to clean up the drool. Believe me, I know!

Within two minutes, we were in front of the concrete, outdoor, basketball court. Sure enough, Baby "Hottie" Chihuahua was waiting for me as promised. She looked beautiful as always. After we arrived, the conversation continued:

Dad: Sikiboy you were right! Baby is where you said she'd be. But, you have to overcome a few obstacles first I think.

Me: What obstacles are you talking about Dad? As you know, love is blind!

Dad: For starters, there is a fence. Do you really not see it?

Me: Ah yes, you are right! Well, there has to be a weak place along the fence where I can squeeze through. I am a tiny Chihuahua after wall!

Dad: Perhaps we can find you a hole in the fence. However, what about the other obstacle that is about 10 times your size and can eat you for breakfast?

Me: What are you talking about Dad?

Dad: In your admirably intense connection with Baby, did you not notice that you will have to get past her adopted brother Drago?

Me: Drago showed up? What the heck? Nooooooooo…………

Dad: Son, females of most species have been protected and even rescued by their brothers for pretty much since, well, the first males and females appeared on earth. Unless you brought a juicy steak to distract Drago, You've just struck out again, buddy!

After Drago padded over, Baby turned and walked away, sad and dejected.

As Dad and I returned to the house after "what might have been", Gloria and her five puppies greeted me. At that moment I understood that sometimes a great blessing can be disguised as a "narrow miss"! With that, I breathed a sigh of relief and plopped down on Dad's lap for a morning nap.

Until next time!

Galan Siki Cota Chihuahua

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