Abuse of their statuses as police officers here, and yeah, they got caught, and got, fined too!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Zhonghe Police Substation of Hsinbei City last April was conducting the checks on the roads, there was an adolescent who'd refused to get checked, and ran right through the checkpoint, the officers rushed to block him, the officer, Chen, kicked one of the sixteen-year-old on the head, the locals saw it, and tried to sop him from abuse, another officer, Jeng came, and cussed the locals out, and this was a case of overuse of police forces.  The district attorneys believed that Chen had used his work status, and assaulted the adolescent, considered that he showed remorse, and was willing to settle with the adolescent, delayed prosecuting him; Jeng's indictment for threats and public endangerment was also, dropped, but they are both fined $100,000N.T., and mandated to attend six-hours of legal education each.

The district attorneys investigated, on the evening of April 7th at eleven at night, the police were conducting a check, a car refused to stop, and drove against traffic, the police chased and stopped the car, and demanded the four adolescents inside to get out of the car.

In the process, the adolescents became emotionally anxious, the officers called aloud to stop them, an officer had slammed two adolescents against the pavement, as the officers rounded up the four, they'd grabbed one adolescent by the hair, shouted at him angrily, "Are you hurrying to die."  The officer, Chen started kicking an adolescent who was down on the ground on the head, causing the adolescent to bruise, and to have redness and swelling on his head.

because of the loud noises, the locals came out, and saw the police using excessive forces, and tried to stop them, "What are you doing?  Beating down on the children?", the officer, Jeng was suspected of shouting back at the locals, "he refused to get pulled over, come down, I'll, give you a bullet too!", was suspected of threats, and breaking the public endangerment laws.

The D.A. reviewed over the video surveillance, which captured the officer Jeng stating: "You", and "bullet", without the "I'll give you", while the other local residents testified that they'd not heard the words; the local who was shouted at claimed, it was in a heightened state of tension then, we're all stressed out then, and, we are rash toward one another, I'd not felt I was, threatened, the D.A. dropped the charges against the officer, Jeng.

As for the officer, Chen, the D.A. considered that he showed remorse, and the cause was the adolescent's resisting arrest, that he became emotional, which caused him to overreact; while the adolescent only sustained minor injuries, and they'd settled, and so, they'd dropped the charges.

And so, because nobody was seriously injured (like getting shot, getting assaulted physically to injury), the officers only received the slaps of the wrists of getting fined, and what would that teach the officers from here on out?  Oh yeah, we just need to, step on the borders, but not over it, and we get off easy, this is really bad, just because the teens refused to get checked, the officers had no right, to use violence on them, besides, it's not like it's a case of in pursuit of serious criminals, it's just some teens, breaking the rules, and too much forces by the police was used in this one!

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