What a week!!!! This has been a super long week. Last weekend I got to deep clean my room and moved things around in the house. I set up our fall decorations, and the girls got to do paint night with grandma. They painted some beautiful Unicorns.

After my busy, productive weekend, I woke up early Monday morning and started throwing up and my right side started hurting really bad again. However, this time it was up higher, so we made the call to go to the emergency room. Our ER was crazy busy, and it took hours to get things done, medications going, blanket cause I was freezing, or even getting the doctor to come back after requesting it. I never got to have my CT scan they wanted to do, I declined after 2 hours and nothing happening. Please don't take it the wrong way. I understand they are all overworked and have many other patients to see. I was worried honestly about being there any longer than I had to be since, realistically, they would not find anything new by doing the CT scan. In the 3 1/2 hours that we were there before the doctor came back to talk to me, I heard them admit 5-8 COVID patients to the ER. This made me uncomfortable, and I felt my anxiety get worse the longer we were there. I said I no longer wanted the CT scan, they already pushed my medications, and it was working, so I just wanted to go home and be able to sleep in my own bed. Things were moving slowly, and to make it worse they were doing shift change which always makes it take longer.

After the doctor came back in, he agreed the medications were working; there was no reason to do the CT scan if the pain had stopped. The ER is great for dealing with immediate life-threatening issues, and I was not in that state. He said that based on my history though that something that I should look into is an autoimmune disorder. He told me my symptoms and blood work indicate that something is going on, but the ER is not the place to chase that down. I agreed with that, and we were discharged. He also provided me some new medications (Yay, more medications) to try and see if they help. My next steps would be to talk to my primary doctor about getting tested for autoimmune disorders that match my symptoms and see if that is, in fact, something that I have.

After getting back from the ER, Matt was excellent and got C off to school for me. He then stayed up with H and let me sleep. The medications the doctor gave me made me super sleepy. I slept off and on all day. There were times when I woke up felt good, got up to go potty, and then was wiped out again and had to take a nap. We got home by 9 am, but I couldn't stay awake for more than 4 minutes until 3:30. I was able to go and get C from school, after which I came home and took another nap. This week has been pretty much the same. My stomach has felt off all week, and I have been so tired. I can make it about half the day, and then I'm done, which sucks when I'm at work till 5. So, most days, I come home and eat dinner and take a nap before Matt gets ready for bed before he gets ready for work. Today was the first day this week that I woke up feeling good, and I wasn't tired after work.

C is doing great in school. There were a few bumps with all the changes to a new school, new teachers every few days, and making new friends. The last couple of weeks has been better for teachers as she has had the exact substitute. The consistency is good for her. C and I have talked about the difference between good quality friends and settling for friends to have someone. If this friend is being mean, only wanting to do what they want, and will only listen to their ideas, that is not the qualities of a good friend. I have had C do some great soul searching to think about what type of friend she wants to have in the future.

H is doing good in her homeschooling with daddy. Some days are better than others, but they are getting the routine down. She is progressing in learning her days of the week; she watches some great educational shows with daddy and writes her name. She may not be the most intelligent kindergarten student when it's time, but she will be smart enough.

I look forward to getting better this year, better health, a better mom, a better educator, and further progress in my schooling.