RAVE to the young man who helped me load 700 pounds of tile into my truck at Home Depot. He was outside waiting on something as I was slowly lifting heavy tile packages when he asked if he could help. I said sure, and he very quickly placed seven 51-pound boxes on my tailgate and turned to walk away as I was saying, "Thank you!" I had heart surgery four months ago and really appreciated his help.  

RAVE to the two gentlemen working for Republic Services who stopped and got out of their two separate collection trucks to pick up (by hand) the many pieces of papers and trash that had blown out of my neighbor's container because of the wind. I don't know if this is an expected part of your job or not, but I appreciated seeing you go through the extra trouble rather than leaving the items on the street to further scatter in the wind! Thanks for helping to keep our neighborhoods clean!

RAVE to the UPS driver who leaves a small Milk-Bone on top of the delivery every time they see my dog barking at the window.

RAVE to the 14 drivers in Seattle who use their turn signals. You are awesome!

RAVE to the wonderful gentleman who brightened my day. I was shopping at a Dollar Tree the other day and he paid for my entire order, totaling $32. He said he wanted to show some kindness. You surely did and I appreciate it.

RAVE to the honest person who found my credit card at Green Lake last Saturday and called the credit card company right away. Rave also to the credit card company which notified me, canceled the card and issued a new one. So glad there are still honest people who don't expect a reward for doing the right thing! Thank you!

RAVE to the anonymous young woman who greets me, an 87-year-old grandfather, with a pleasant wave on my regular early morning walk through the Seattle University campus. 

RAVE to the person who returned my purse to the Costco lost and found. A few weeks ago I shopped at the Issaquah location. I loaded the items in my car and drove home. Once home, I realized I did not have my handbag. I had my car keys in my purse, so somehow I must have left (lost) my purse in the parking lot. I was devastated beyond words; I imagined disastrous consequences, never to see my purse again. Among other things, my driver's license, my checkbook, my bank card and wallet with cash, they were all in the purse. Later on that day, I got my handbag back. Somebody brought it to the lost and found at Costco. NOTHING was missing. I am unable to find out who that person was. My deepest gratitude, plus my faith in the goodness of mankind will forever stay with me. I am tearful now that I write this letter.

RAVE to the three caring gentlemen who came to my father's aid when he fell while walking on East Roanoke Street on a recent Friday afternoon. They made sure he was OK, called 911 and stayed with him until the medics arrived. Our family extends our gratitude for your kindness and compassion. 

RAVE to ferry worker and our ferry system. Sitting in the long line of cars to take the ferry to Bainbridge Island the other day, I took a break from my car, having bought a round-trip ticket. Returning to my car, I saw a bright orange note tucked in the window: "Go to Booth 3 with your receipt." Wondering what I may have done wrong, I went to the toll booth. At the booth, the thoughtful lady gave me my return ticket. She had forgotten to give it to me, and I had forgotten to look for it.  Incredibly, she remembered my car, among hundreds, and the lane to which she had directed me. I am profoundly impressed and grateful to her.

RAVE to all the farmworkers who toiled during the deadly the heat wave, and in the subsequent high temperatures, picked the delicate cherries we can so easily take for granted as we reach for them in our air-conditioned stores. Thank you!

RAVE to the house in Ballard that has the blue metal bench on the walk by their retaining wall. It was perfectly placed for when I needed to stop on a long bike ride to tighten a cleat on my shoe and to eat, drink and rest in the shade. I was approaching the mileage where it was time to stop, I started looking for a place to sit and there was the bench! Thank you!

RAVE to the wonderful gentleman at the Renton Fred Meyer. He noticed that I was taking advantage of the sales by buying a full classroom set of notebooks and composition books for this fall. He asked if I am a teacher. When I confirmed that I am, he thanked me for my service and purchased all the notebooks for me. I cannot thank him enough. He has inspired me to "pay it forward."