I woke up after making kids sleep. 3 AM. Their father no where to be found. But it's cool. He is a free man. I open my Macbook and the power point I have been translating since yesterday. I've been doing some night work the days before too. Not that I'm so deligent. I don't have a choice. I completely forgot. Another event of Mercury going retrograde 🙉. And what does it have to do with me working at night? Well... it f*ucked up all the devices at home except my phone and my computer although I had issues with mouse and chargers for about two weeks now. I also don't seem to have any good communication. It's as if I say one thing but people hear or read another thing. And so it has been with my mother, with the webshop where I ordered the LCD for my kids iPad and who knows what else. One thing is sure I will be at loss.

So here I am sitting at night again to finish my part of the job because I'm the translator while doing the project at the Challenge driven innovation with Design Thinking course. It's not easy. I'm sleepy and my back is killing me but I'm doing my best because I saw the transits. About 3-6 months from now I will have a good job and meet plenty of people. My romantic relationship will go through its intense period. And it makes me anxious while on the same time I want time to run faster. I miss Ahad so much 😓.

If I only remembered it was now, the Mercury retrograde... I would not count on my luck. What should I do with the LCD that I took out of the envelope but in the end wasn't compatible ? What will happen to my thesis that I got another chance to improve ? When will machines be on friendly terms with me again ? 😖

I don't know to be honest 🤷‍♀️. Depending on the source the dates differ. One says middle of September to middle of October. Some other say end of September until middle of October. I think there is nothing more for me than being patient. Waiting out the invisible "storm".

But I have so much to do... and so little time .

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