Too shameless, too, thick-skinned, are these, government officials who are, running this country, to the G-R-O-U-N-D!  Commentaries, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

In the boycotts of the opposing party, the head of state, Su added more to his, policies of the "three-plus-eleven plans", for the, VERY first time, he'd made an, apology, to how the outbreaks had, caused, the people here, to D-I-E, and note, he'd not, apologized in person.  And because it was, a forced apology, in his report he'd still, stubbornly claimed, that there's NO evidence proving that the three-plus-eleven was the opening of the tough defense against MERS-CoV we'd had up to the point.

keeping his, straight, from online

This sort of, unwilling, shameless means of, apologizing, truly, nauseating to us all.  A government, with the, slightest amount of, humanity, even IF it's not due to the mistakes in the policies, with more than eight hundred lives lost to the outbreaks, should at the least, apologize to the families who's lost their, loved ones.  And yet, Su, the head of state couldn't even mumble it out, and, after the pressures came from the minority party, with the mediations among the party not in power, it'd, forced him, to add that, forced upon, "I'm sorry" in his, written reports on the matter.

This once "three-times-humbled" government, already, sent its, humbleness, down the drains, and all it held tightly onto, was the, powers of the statuses.  And because of it, there are, the weird people, being set up in the wrong positions of the governments, and the words of propagandas was more fluent, than the ability to handle these, matters of our lives of the state, it's okay, that there's, no equal in the delegations of responsibilities, and power, and so, an old politician, with his means of being, "cruel" became, the head of everybody here.  Toward this sort of a government, if we the people, accept the apologies made so unwillingly to us by the government, wouldn't we be, belittling, our, selves too?

Actually, if Su felt he'd done nothing wrong, he could well, turn down, this "stage performance".  It's not that he didn't know how to make formal apologies, in the case of the Olympic competitors' getting placed in economy class of flights, he'd, bowed, three whole times in one day.  He'd, selected the minute, instead of, the larger, pictures.  In the ethics of politics, he'd, chosen, actively, to, overlook us, the citizens, ignored his, duties as the head of state.

here he is, apologizing for the government relief program being, "late"...Photo from online

And, it's enough, for the party not in power to keep on pressing him, because we the people, don't know, how FAR down Su, the head of state, can, go.

This is, how the government voted out by "popular votes" (uh, most of us who aren't supporters of the DDP didn't even go to the polls, because why the @#$% bother???), screwed us all.  The policies were, WRONG from the very start, and now, there's, that huge HOLE of the pilot quarantine that's, "invited" delta into the country too, and, the government still, won't admit that it'd made the, wrong policies, that it isn't, thinking, in the, best interests of, we the people?  Just when we thought the government here can't get any lower…SURPRISE!!!

It'd, sunk down, lower still…

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