How the government here, still, EVADED responsibilities for the "holes" of the China Airlines outbreaks here!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Three-Plus-Eleven Has Nothing to Do with the Community Outbreaks?

The commander of the CDC, Chen, asked the press, as he was questioned, "What does three-plus-eleven has to do with the eight hundred lives lost?", and it got , and it got everybody here angry, the former head of National Institute of Health, Chiu criticized, that back then, the country's hit hard by the outbreaks, and yet, due to the command center's words of not catching up on the situations, it'd, made the claims of how the two cases aren't, related?  Like in a case of theft, just because you didn't catch the thieves, that doesn't mean that theft hadn't been, committed, "there are, the known, victims of this, who contracted the virus, and that, is THE, fact!"

Chiu pointed out, that as the outbreaks started back in mid-May, the command center once stated, "we have good news", that it'd already, found that the hotel, the Luzhou and Yilan arcade contractions are the same genetic sequence of the virus, and now, it said, that they're not, related.  Back then, the outbreaks had already, gotten into the local communities, to the point of getting the second, the third waves, causing the "chain of infection to get broken", thus, the origins can't be, traced, and impossible to find all who came into, contact.

the media press, grilling Chen for abusing his power as Commander of CDC

photo from online

She also stated, that based off of all scientific data, examining the "3+11 rule of quarantine" it doesn't, hold up, the earliest original strand from Wuhan, the Alpha all were tested between five to seven days, if the samples were taken on the third day, at least, a quarter of whom who had contracted the virus showed no symptoms at all, and yet, after the three days in quarantine, they're all, allowed, but, which was, naturally, dangerous, back then the American CDC set the days of quarantines at at least, SEVEN days.

Chiu stated, that the government now, can't even, produce the documentations of the records, of how they'd arrived at the decisions of "three-plus-eleven days of quarantine", from which, we can see, that the CDC hadn't set up a complete system of defense, which caused the outbreaks to come in from internationally, leading to the community levels of larger scale outbreaks, causing the collapses in the medical systems.

The professor of Public Health of N.T.U. Chen pointed out, that scientifically, at the beginning of the outbreaks that's occurred here, the inability to collect the data on time, and the messages coming in late, causing no connection of casual consequences of the two cases, and those cases that came in from out of country, became, the chains that spread across the local communities, the processes are, quite complex, involving the three levels of the citizens' own keeping oneself safe, the changes in the systems of defense, and the mutations of the virus, there is, no conclusion of what the real cause is.

Chen also stated, that currently, discussing the implementations of the "three-plus-eleven" quarantine is a good thing, she'd advised, to keep tables on the cases of gathering that came from out of country, like the clusters of infection in the preschool of Hsinbei City, the Hotel contraction cases, that way, we can, find a better means of tactics, to defend against the spread.

Yeah uh, because of the loosened rules, and the holes that the people can, easily, slip through, that, was what caused this country to sink down, and it's still, a top-down error by the government, I mean, had the government, made sure, that the pilots hadn't "skipped out" of the quarantines, made them report back to the CDC say, every thirty minutes???  To make sure, these individuals didn't, run around when they're not supposed to (like how my dogs stayed at the N.T.U. Vet clinics for a whole of, TWENTY-ONE days, and we can only, make the appointments with the hospital to visit them, in that, controlled environment (the meeting playroom!), then, none of this SHIT would be, happening, and it's still the problem with the policies that's set up, by this, government here!

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