Here's, that, "multiple-choice question" again…

Do we (A) Pull it off life-support, (B) Keep it Connected to the machines, let nature take its course (C), Start a revolution, to set up, a brand new, governing, body?

When the government is BRAIN-DEAD, and let's face it, the government does NOT have a brain, and I'm still NOT just talkin' about the government of this god damn "country" I'm currently residing in either, I'm talkin' 'bout government in general here, I mean, those governments that are, "voted by we the people" (b/c WE are, the people, or, are we all, something else now???), they actually don't have our best interests in mind, like for this currently one I'm "ruled under" (yeah, get real here!), the president kept claiming how the government's ordered enough vaccines for everyone in the country to get at least, TWO vaccinations, and yet, many of us hadn't even gotten our firsts (as Moderna is short-stocked???), and the shipments of BioNTech/Pfizer is, late again, and, AZ had that huge risk of blood-clot, and nobody wants to put their lives at risk of that, while this god damn government developed ITS own vaccines, and they wanted to, use WE the people, as LABRATS, forcing the EU to pass only AFTER stage two!

And that, is only on the part of the outbreaks…

Then, there's, the BULLSHITTING spending vouchers, the government does NOT direct deposit the money we, the taxpayers paid into our bank accounts, instead, it made us stand in those, long, long lines in the super convenience stores to pick up the printed version, while there is, a bundle of us, who selected to get the vouchers, tied to our, credit cards (that saved us from standing in those, long, long lines!!!).

The government also, imported the pork with ractopamine, and for what?  Sucking up to the U.S. government, thinking that it would side with us, if we were to go to war with China (uh, get real, the U.S. isn't STUPID!!!), and also, we went from the top few in defenses against MERS-CoV as this started back in, 2019 (maybe???), and due to the lack of vaccine availabilities, we'd, dropped, to the bottom, and we went from "Taiwan CAN Help" (b/c this country donated the masks???) to "WHO WILL, help, Taiwan?" (b/c the government did NOT have the foresights, to order up a ton of vaccines that we the people are in need of!)

Yep, that 'bout, sums that up here…

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