Few days ago I've asked my husband about the poem he promised me long before I even came to see him in Pakistan. Somehow we ended up challenging each other in poem writing 😅. He used the keyword "butterfly" and I used the term "close".

Since I am connected to my feelings I was done within 5 minutes after we cut the call even though the deadline was two days after. I listen to some music and thought of the conversations we have these days and the feelings turned into words naturally. Ahad does not seem to feel comfortable expressing his feelings and I think its understandable but I feel there is more to him than what he is showing at the moment.

I must admit that I feel lucky and uncomfortable on the same time. My ex never wanted to do anything that would make him look like a fool. Ahad tries to do everything he can to put a smile on my face. I kind of brush him of these days which makes me feel bad but I feel that I cannot let my love for him to take over my brain. My heart is just so uncomfortable because it misses him 😔. That's why I think being creative together makes my heart more relaxed. We probably will have another challenge like this in the future. I feel very excited about how his writing skills will develop. Maybe one day he will be more skilled than me 😉. That would be fun to see.

He always complains about his creativity being worse than mine. I think I may challenge him in drawing next or writing a song 😂. Good thing his jupiter will transit in 5th house from now to few months into 2022, the house of creativity, ancient knowledge, romance and children.

Let's help Ahad explore his natural talents 😊✌.

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