Today the Saturday went partially well. I had to do some office work which actually little spoiled my afternoon time. Other than that it was good. The good news is that I completed marking Best Lines from "Rich Dad Poor Dad". I almost re-read this entire book in last 3 to 4 days. And now I am going to write best lines of this amazing book after writing this blog. Right now I have enough content for my "Best Lines" blog that I can at least make 6 blogs. Let's see how it goes.

Also my friend came to my place today as he went to donate blood, so he just came to my place to rest a bit and then he went back to his home. When he was at my place, we talked a bit about real state investments and how can we do it and how we can plan about it. Even in the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad", the author do had talked about it as well in this book. He has mentioned, how he had managed buying and selling real estates and also helped his friends in buying and selling real estate to achieve financial freedom.

Today was more about financial freedom. So dominant thought in my mind currently is achieving Financial Freedom.

So today's learning: "You can achieve financial freedom by doing what you love or you can do what you love after achieving financial freedom."

Have a Great Day

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