I have been feeling disconnected recently. There is only a few people that I talked to in my life, and recently that list has gotten shorter. I decided that I can't have the extra stress and drama in my life which is really better for me and our family. However people that I was always pretty close to are now distancing themselves.

Friends that no longer want to talk to me, family that appear to not be interested in anything we do anymore, and they no longer want to tell us anything that is going on with them. It feels like we have been outcasted as the black sheep of the family. I fight with this internally on a regular basis. Do I say something to these people about why they no longer reach out? Do I do nothing? Do I suck it up and allow it to be the new normal?

I'm not sure that I like the idea of my girls learning that its normal and acceptable to not talk to Me or my husband, but to only talk to the girls when they are around. We try to have converstaions, we try to talk about whats going on in our lives, but get nothing in response. Only getting the very bare minamum of responses. This is not what I want my girls to learn that family time should include. Ignoring some paying attention to others.....Silence in the cornor from the ones being ignored. If we are getting together as a family then it needs to be family time. There needs to be laughing, converstaions, catching up, and bonding with all. Not just the kids.

If the new normal is that the kids are the only ones to get any attention and the parents are to be ignored, then maybe it will be better to not be around at all. I don't want to prevent my kids from being allowed to see family, but if we are no longer being treated like family and more like strangers...then isn't that depriving the kids?