Welcome everybody !

The day of treat or trick has officially began last night and although no one knock on our door, it was quite spooky at night and no it's not only because of our lights being turned off. It felt like our house was shaking, I got hit in the head by something small while trying to put my youngest to sleep and it felt like someone was trying to open the front door a few times. It was very foggy outside of our window and my son out of some reasons sees monsters in the darkness since two days (I remember how he used to talk to something at night when he was few months, a really creepy experience 😅). So maybe he actually got the access to the underworld aka other dimensions. And that wouldn't surprise me. We are into occult, few generations back.

I always feel anxious around this time. It has to do with all the energies swaying around. I'm pretty sensitive and too much receptive to other peoples feelings and thoughts during this time. Having Sun in D1 and D9 in intuative signs just makes it worse. I feel kind of like a scanner and sponge on the same time.

Time around Halloween and All Saints Day is one of the time periods when I feel most spiritual. It feels like the gates between the living ones and the death ones are open. So I find shuffling my tarot cards as a must. And so I did this morning. And I did not like the outcome actually ; 10 of Swords fell out. This card symbolises betrayal, backstabbing, deceit and exhaustion. At once I saw face of my ex in my mind. The person that always puts me in situations where I don't feel too well. And the astrological prediction states clearly that there will be danger from opposite sex. Nevertheless, got to stay positive during these depressing times.

I'm gonna upload another Tarot Card Year post later. Hope you enjoy this spooky time 👻. See you later my dear community at Shades of me 😉👌.

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