And what they will become.

It is amazing how fast they grow up.

You feed them round the clock.

Carry them in your arms until your back hurts like hell.

Bring them to school hand in hand with them kissing you goodbye.

And then suddenly, they have their own set of friends.

They look at their gadgets non stop and smile at the screen silently.

They start to answer back and reason out when you go beast mode.

They say "BUT MOM!" whenever you ask for a kiss.

And then, when you open up a topic, they silently listen and say sorry, and then the next day, they avoid doing it again.

I am so proud of what you have become, I am way prouder of what you will become.

In my lifetime, I have hurt so many people. I have done so many wrongs. But the only thing I think I did right, was how I tried my best to raise you. With love, with anger, with hatred. A mixture of this and that I can never tell.

I may not be perfect. I am a monster in fact.

But keep in mind, this monster will go to all ends of the earth whenever you need the beast. And this monster will turn into anything possible- for you.

Just keep on going children. Mother hen is so proud of you.

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