I was so excited to get my indoor growing system up and going in September! Last year, I got things going in my outdoor greenhouse weeks too late, and got maybe three salads from it all winter. The goal this year was to start things in the house and move them to the greenhouse once they had gotten well started.

Then I decided to transplant a few things from the garden into the house for the winter, including some lettuce that had gotten about 3" tall a week before frost. Big mistake.

Next thing I knew, I had lots of salad… and lots of aphids.

It was a fantastic salad… after I brushed off the bugs.

I tried treating everything with neem oil, Castile soap and vinegar, and a whole brew of essential oils. But there were just too many of them. Today, I harvested everything worth keeping, dumped all the pots into the compost, and set a diffuser with a half dozen aphid-unfriendly oils in there to hopefully chase out any remaining residents. I intend to give it at least a two week break before I start it back up, using only bagged soil and seeds (no transplants).

We're very close to having the outdoor greenhouse ready to start, after pretty much rebuilding it, so hopefully there will lettuce again sooner than later.

In the meantime, the family room smells decidedly hostile.

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