By Ghislaine T Vode

Stories are a living force. Stories are for the living…

I like To describe myself as a storyteller and today I want to share briefly with you about the importance of writing and telling your story. I believe that a storyteller lives to tell stories about people, to people, in a way that enables people to go through, and break through, life changing circumstances.

The world is full of dreamers. We all come one way or another from a place of a dream ( to live a meaningful , fulfilling, whole, successful, and happy life for the rest our days). What makes all dreamers all the same, is also what sets all dreamers apart from one another. We all have one unique story to tell. Although we all have different journeys, we also all encounter setbacks and roadblocks along the way that can make us or break us all the same. Until a story is told. Once that story is shared, somebody else other than us gets to hear it and get inspired by it in a meaningful way.

Stories make the news everyday. Where stories are told, people pay close attention. They listen. By sharing your story, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable place before the world, where people can see you just the way that you are. But more importantly, you are empowering somebody else that lives in your house, your family, your neighborhood, your world, with a new voice. (Stories are told about people. They can start with in one character but they usually always include more than one). We are all here because we were given a voice.

Stories are powerful. And most of them will outlast most of us whether the stories become successful, unpopular, or remain unknown.
When you are saying that you don't like your story, or when you are highly discouraged and you don't want to share it because it seems insignificant to you at the moment, know that you are thereby muting the voice of people that are naturally living in it. You are also muting the life changing message that someone has been waiting to hear, that can change his or her life around. And last but not least, you are unfortunately also muting the voices of all the stories that you've heard; the stories you've lived through that built you up, made you grow, inspired you, motivated you until you got where you are on today.

Don't underestimate the foot prints that are left behind everywhere that you go. Don't forget the power that hides behind a story. It is up to you to use that power..or ignore it…
.Part of what makes a piece of jewelry beautiful is what it is made of. Part of my job is to share what my jewelry is made of (The material and fabric that i use). The other part of my job is to make my jewelry tell a story…
Once the story is told, it no longer belongs to me alone. It belongs to everyone who is empowered by the jewelry i make, if for nothing else but once by a glance of an eye, like love at first sight.

Because my story is not perfect, Because it' s filled with some bumps and setbacks like insecurities, frustrations and doubts along the way, the perfect finished jewelry for me translates just that. It is one that looks almost "imperfect", unfinished. Undone (just like my journey)….until i share it with you and it created the type of Magic in your life that makes you want to share your story everytime you wear it. Whether you make jewelry, sell them or enjoy wearing them, si that it becomes a tool a visual interpetration thay you use To tell your story…

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