This blog is about 15 best lines or quotes or learning from this book called "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by "Robert Kiyosaki". This is a super amazing book. This is one of those book which finically literate you in a superbly amazing way. In this book "Robert Kiyosaki" has very neatly differentiated between how "Rich People" think about money and how "Poor People" think about money.

This book is must read for anyone who want to achieve financial freedom. The most amazing part of the book is "how to differentiate between assets and liabilities". And after reading this book you will also reconsider things you now consider as assets and it will help you to actually create assets and be financially free. And who don't want financial freedom. For now enjoy some best lines from this book and motivate yourself to buy this book.

Let's start,

People with high paying jobs still struggles with money problems because they don't know how to make money work for them

Chapter: Rich Don't Work for Money, Page No = 69

It is not how much money you make. it is how much money you keep.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 75

Many people are too focused on money and not on their greatest wealth: their education.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 77

We focus on work "literacy" and not on "financial literacy".

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 81

An asset put money in my pocket. A liability takes money from my pocket.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 81

If you want to get rich, you've got to read and understand numbers.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 82

Illiteracy, both in words and numbers, is the foundation of financial struggle.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 85

Money only accentuate the cash-flow pattern running in your head. If your pattern is to spend everything you get, most likely an increase in cash will result in an increase in spending.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 89

Because students leave school without financial skills, millions of educated people pursue their profession successfully, but later find themselves struggling financially.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 90

Cash flow tells the story of how a person handles money.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 90

The number one expense for most of the people is taxes.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 92

By not fully understanding money, the vast majority of people allow it's awesome power to control them.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 95

A person can be highly educated, professionally successful, and financially illiterate.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 95

An intelligent person hires people who are more intelligent than he is.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 97

Money has a way of making every decision emotional.

Chapter: Why teach Financial Literacy?, Page No = 101

This book is super amazing all the lines mentioned above are from first few pages only. I am going to make more of this blog. I post my "Best Lines" blog every Monday 9 am. So stay tuned for another one.

Have a Great Day

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