The nanny wasn't certified, and claimed that the eleven month old infant boy climbed up high, and fell, to try to evade responsibilities of her role in murdering this young infant boy, off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The 23-Year-Old Unlicensed Nanny Claimed, the Eleven-Month Old Infant Boy Climbed Up on His Own Too High, and Fell, the Families Didn't Believe Her

An eleven-month-old boy in Yunlin was rushed to the E.R. by his nanny, Gu, as he was admitted, the paramedics found him to have subdural hematoma, in a level three coma, the surgeons operate on the infant, found that there were huge masses of hematoma on the right side of the infant boy's cranium of nearly five inches, with the hematomas on the left and right visual optical nerves, as he was taken in, he was already, out of consciousness, after two emergency surgical procedures, he was saved, and is currently in the hospital for observations.  The nanny claimed, that the infant boy fell from a high place himself, the families didn't believe her claims, and the police investigators are also, doubtful.

The police found, that the parents of the young infant boy worked away, and through the LINE groups and the introduction of their friends, they'd found the twenty-three-year-old nanny, Gu from Donan to care for their young around the clock, and paid her $30,000N.T. a month; and the couple would head home to visit every now and then, and Gu had sent them photos of the infant's life from time to time too.

photo from

how this young boy looks right now...

Two evenings ago, the mother of the infant boy received a call from Gu, that as she was bathing him, he kept vomiting, that he may have fallen from someplace high he'd, crawled up to; and because there was no visible external injuries, he'd not been taken to the hospitals, and as the infant started vomiting again, and convulsing, Gu then took him to a nearby local clinic, and he'd not improved, and then, she'd, rushed him into the E.R. of the N.T.U. Hospital Branch in Yunlin.

The parents of the infant rushed to the hospital, they were in disbelief as they saw how severely their young son had been injured; Gu told them, that the infant climbed up to a place that's two meter high then fell on his own by accident, she'd picked him up, onto a table that's about 1.5 meters from the floor, and she'd, fallen again.

The father of the infant doubted her, that his son was only eleven months old, couldn't even stand, how can he possibly crawl up that high; and from before, he'd discovered multiple bruising on his son's face, and Gu explained that he'd gotten them "when he was rough playing", and because Gu was also taking care of her own two-year-old child, that's why they parents didn't question her.

And because of how severely the infant boy was injured, the D.A. started up the women and children's protective platform, and had the police take Gu in, Gu still insisted that the infant crawled and injured himself, as the D.A. interrogated her again, they'd found her to be a prime suspect, that she denied her involvement, that there's a chance she may clear off the evidences, asked the courts to have her into custody.  Gu's husband was also listed as a person of interest of the case.

The office manager of the Yunlin County Social Services told, that as they'd checked, Gu wasn't a certified nanny, she wasn't licensed, that she'd broken the laws, and will be fined.

And so, you can see, how this woman still weaseled, after all the evidences pointed to that this infant boy couldn't have, crawled to high places and then, fallen down, and that's just what you get, when you don't CHECK the credentials of the nannies you hired, to watch your children while you're away at work, and this time, a baby boy is in a comatose.

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