Alexis touched her stomach and took a deep breath. Brian opened her door and Alexis stepped out into the bright sun. They were visiting his mother. Alexis was not to happy to be there but she swallowed her pride and came along. Brian had been an angel since he found out about the pregnancy. It was the least she could do.

Lily opened the door, groggy eyed and clutching a robe. She glared at Alexis then shifted into a bright smile as she looked at Brian. Alexis was glad to see she was not too sick to be herself.


"Hi mom," he replied, hugging her back. The two were close. Brian was an only child and his father had left a long time ago. "We came to check on you."

Alexis offered a smile and a quiet hello. Lily glanced at her then turned her attention back to Brian. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the house. Alexis stretched out her hand to catch the door before it shut.

Lily pulled Brian onto a bar stool before she pulled out every pot and pan she owned. I sat down slowly next to Brian. She sat an array of foods on the counter and started cooking. So much for being sick.

"Mom, we're okay. You don't have to do that."

"Nonsense. I have to make sure you have a good meal. Lord only knows when you'll have another one." Lily replied as she laid bacon onto a pan.


"Alexis is a great cook, mom" Lily scoffed and continued cooking.

When Lily finished with breakfast she made two plates and sat down. She pushed one in front of Brian and dug into the second. Brian dove in without noticing what his mother had done.

Alexis stood up and went to make her own plate. Brian and his mother talked as they ate while Alexis remained silent. Sometimes if she was quiet enough they forgot she was there.

Apparently Lily was perfectly fine. She just had a 24 hour bug which miraculously ended around when we arrived. Alexis thought she just wanted to see Brian but said nothing.

Time passed and Alexis relied on her cellphone for entertainment. She stayed at the island when they moved to the couch. Alexis watched videos as Lily ranted about a rival neighbor who thought had a better garden than her. She even took a nap when she got sick of sitting there. It wasn't until she woke up and they were about to leave that Brian told Lily about the big news.

"We're having a baby," Brian told her excitedly.

For the first time, Lily looked at Alexis.

"It is his baby, right?" Lily asked looking Alexis in her eyes.

"Excuse me?" Alexis was a bit groggy when she woke up but she was alert now.

"Brian, this is a little soon for a baby. Are you sure she wasn't pregnant when you married her? You know these young women these days will open their legs to any Tom, Dick, or Harry."

Alexis had enough. She stood up, grabbed her purse, and slammed the door behind her as she left. Lily was toxic but she put up with her because she was still Brian's mom. But now she had gone too far.

"Alexis! Come back inside," Brian said chasing after her, "she didn't mean it like that. You know how she is"

"You're right. I do know how she is. I also know she meant every word she said."

"Don't chase after her Brian. She clearly is guilty judging by her response," Lily said standing behind him.


"I'm tired of you making excuses for her!" Alexis turned to face Lily, "and you. I'm done. I've tried being nice and it has only gotten me more disrespect. Mother in law or not. I'm done with you. You're toxic and I'm over this."

"Watch your mouth little girl!" Lily yelled stepping from behind Brian. "You're not going to disrespect me on my property."

"I am a grown woman, not a child so watch your mouth as well. Respect is earned not given and you are far from deserving." Alexis turned and headed to the car. She unlocked the door and sat in the passenger seat.

Lily was yelling at Brian, pointing at Alexis. After a few expletives Brian hugged her and came to the car. Without a word, he started the car up and headed back on the road.

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