There are many erasable notebook products on the market. I have received a few of these products for gifts. My favorite brand is Rocketbook. The Rocketbook line has multiple sizes of notebooks, beacons for whiteboards, notecards, and legal pads. Rocketbook offers many forms in its app. For example, meal planning sheets, planner pages, shopping lists, workout plans, and budget sheets.

My children are homeschoolers. I prefer they use a pen to paper for their projects and school work. I prefer to work on my novel using long-hand and dictating into Word with Dragon Speak. My husband and I have been designing the shop plans on the graph paper sheet option.

Before I began my zero waste journey, I was using 500 sheets of paper every week. I would reuse paper for lists and reuse paper for printing. Whiteboards were an option, but the product Beacons were a game-changer. Four little silicone triangles placed on the four corners allowed me to upload documents, school work, and artwork into cloud drives to collaborate work with others.

The index cards are excellent for lists, study guides, flashcards. I have made mini forms on these cards as well.

The process of uploading documents into an email, one drive, and cloud drives is simple. The user determines by shading in the symbol for the destination of the document. The user opens the Rocketbook on a smartphone, tablet, or iPad using the camera to capture the document.

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