Netflix announced during its Netflix Festival Japan 2021 event that it will stream the anime adaptations of two spin-offs of Gosho Aoyama's Detective Conan manga — Mayuko Kanba's Detective Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san (Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa) manga and Takahiro Arai's Detective Conan: Zero no Tea Time (Detective Conan: Zero's Tea Time) manga. Netflix will stream the adaptations worldwide.

Detective Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san is a gag manga that stars the black-silhouetted "criminal" that appears in Detective Conan chapters to represent the mystery culprits.

Detective Conan: Zero no Tea Time focuses on the character known as Zero/Bourbon/Toru/Rei.

Source: ANN

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