Two weeks ago, I published chapter 15: "The Truth Untold" of Working for Big Hit, which marks the end of my story's first season. Wow!

How did I end up writing a total of 15 chapters and 75,774 words so far? I'm not a writer. I sometimes used to write short stories back in my school days, but I suppose that's what you do as emo teenager. But to this day I love to take real life moments and shape them into stories in my mind. That's probably why this story was created.

I love photography and video editing. But I'm nothing close to a photographer or video editor. When that new BTS game went live, I was primarily interested to see how this magic works. I like drawing and reading Manga and tried creating a comic once. Still, I think I am not talented in drawing perspectives and keeping using the same character again and again. On top of that, I'm not patient enough. Finally, there was a way to create a visual story easily without needing to draw it.

After getting inspired by a few stories I've played, I sat down to try out how this editor works and started this story.

It didn't take long until I deleted my first version and started writing Hannah's story properly. As inexperienced a writer as I still am, I spent the last year learning different aspects about creating a story and also improved my editing skills in that game.

Along the way, I read thrilling stories, saw incredible editing skills and met crazily talented authors, some of which I call my friends today.

I'm grateful for the boost of motivation this app has given me during the depressingly grey period of uncertainty and scary situations that was lockdown.

After a while, some issues that made me leave the BTS app platform occurred, and I joined SugaMommaaa on this beautiful project: Erdmochi Central.

Even today, writing scenes instead of creating them visually is challenging, and I still need to improve implementing this 'show not tell' rule every writer is going on about. But there is only one way to improve my skills: practice and patience.

In total, I'm planning to write a trilogy about Hannah's adventures with the BTS members, split into the years the story happens–2016, 2017 and 2018.

For the remainder of 2021, I shall be retreating to my Scrivener files to work on the rest of my plot. On January 1st, Working for Big Hit will come back with season 2 and brand new chapters.


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