"Good manners reflect something from an inside an innate sense of consideration for others and respect for self." Emily Post

As housewives, we sometimes have an unwanted, uninvited guest. Politics are a personal choice very much like religion. I enjoy debating and understanding the views of others. However, I do not like being insulted in our home. I was a co-captain of a political party in our county. I resigned last week.

We have a neighbor who is fond of the drop-in and is quite invasive of a person's home. His wife lacks manners as well. I can have an immediate dislike for someone and still be gracious. The first time, I met her, I was having a large baking day and homeschooling day. Her remarks about my homemaking stung. I was working very hard on doing the baking while teaching. My dishwasher was down that day. I had a stack of dishes waiting to be washed. My new dishwasher was waiting in the corner for my husband to install that weekend.

So, this afternoon, we saw (I'll call him Bill), Bill walk up on the porch. Mind you, that the gate was closed and latched. He came to see why I resigned as co-chair. I was gracious and offered him lavender lemonade. I took him that we were getting ready to have dinner and we didn't have time for a long visit. I explained why I wasn't co-captain. After a dozen rude remarks about issues, I hold dear, I had enough. I entered a heated, educated debate with him. My husband enjoys it when my cerulean blue eyes grow dark and alabaster skin pinkens when I am angry. He and I exchanged a glance, he whispered, "This is going to be good." Amused.

This man has no self-awareness. It is not the first time, he has dropped by uninvited. He doesn't care if people find him insulting, or that is he is invasive. My husband decided to tell him not to visit again. Most people do not unlatch the gate when it is closed. I was thankful my husband took charge. This gentleman doesn't have respect for women or the opinions of others. My husband informed him I have always been gracious when he has dropped by. I have a sign on the door that states our home school hours and a message on my phone stating the same.

There are times, we, housewives have to not answer the door, simply tell a guest we have things to do or let our husbands handle setting the limit with such callers.

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