Over the past eighteen months or so I have been contemplating what to do with my free time, how to serve in God's kingdom. Then one day, as I was sitting before the Lord I asked "What now Lord." It was just a pie in the sky type question, to my delight a scripture came to mind "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light on my path." Psalm 119: 105 NIV.  I felt comforted by His touch, but what did it mean? It didn't give me clear understanding of what I should do or where I should go.  

Even though the Holy Spirit had spoken, all I could do was to hold that scripture close to my heart and meditated on it hoping for understanding, of what and where. I fully expected something to happen that would bring about amazing events, but life remained unchanged no matter how I prayed. I prayed for revelation, understanding, wisdom, but no insight, no revelation, nothing came, hence, life did not change.  

How did I find that pathway/life?  Well, because my heart is at peace with God, I believe I'm already where God wants me to be, and as I obey His word, life will unfold into its fullness. The importance of hearing God is one aspect of living a Christian life, but living accordingly is equally as important. We can only do that as we get to know and understand God as revealed in His word.

As I write this article for MyLordMyFriend, the joy in my heart overflows with gratitude for the opportunity to share God's Love with you.  Not only had I heard God speak, but I realized the jewel I found in seeking understanding of that scripture, is in knowing God, having an intimate relationship with Him and being confident His way leads to life.  

Knowing He delights in me, all I have to do is be amazed at His Glory and grace as life unfolds.  

Love and Blessings
