I knew yesterday morning when I woke up with a scratchy throat something was coming. I think I took Caroline's cold from her. Well, at least she's feeling better. 

I went from chilled to burning up all through the night back and forth last night. My throat hurt and I had a headache. Now I know how she felt. 

I was supposed to have taken my truck in today to have it serviced from all the traveling but dear hubby took it for me. I have just been trying to get going. I got something warm on my throat and tried to read while I had my coffee. I finally made myself get up and take a shower. I got a little energy and managed to get my bedroom back on order. I could only eat some chicken noodles and then laid back down to rest. 

After a much needed rest,  I did a little more picking up around the house. 

I just didn't feel like doing much else. 

After supper we just sat and watched movies. My dear hubby endured two Hallmark Christmas movies. Now he has to watch something else to get his man card back. 😅

I finally got the topper for our Christmas tree. It projects snowflakes on the ceiling. So here is most all of our decorations except for some garland over the entry ways in the house. 

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