I did a strength training workout today, after a break of about 3 weeks. It was HARD! The trainer I work with contracted the virus and so I had an extended break. Everyone around seems to have COVID at the moment. It feels unstoppable.

Unsurprisingly, my muscles complained at being stretched and worked. However, my motor memory kicked in as I got into position to begin each new exercise and I found myself breathing in and out in a controlled rhythm. While doing a particularly objectionable lift or squat I would breathe in and visualize oxygen being carried to the muscles who were straining the most. It took my mind off the hard work and got me to focus on my breath. It made me breathe even deeper the following time, to get me through the set- the last couple of repetitions are always the most challenging.

I cant help but make parallels to another kind of heavy lifting that everyone around me is doing right now. This relentless pandemic, months and months of teaching online, the current variant spreading rapidly, so many in the throes of the virus. Every muscle, literally and metaphorically is being stretched to its limit. What we need right now is a flood of oxygen to the parts that are working the hardest. We need to see our students in person and off the screen. We need to hold our families. We need to heal, get strong again and return to familiar routines. We need to let the motor memory kick in so that we can do what we know how to in the ways we know how to.

I am so grateful to be living in a country with such high vaccination rates. Most people are able to deal with the infection at home and for the most part, it is mild. It still doesn't make working full time, parenting, teaching and leading, simultaneously, in this current context, any easier. The resilience muscle of our community has been overworked and is exhausted.

We need a break from the heavy lifting. We need to feel strong, healthy and good, again.

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