.... like running water....

Tuesday, at midday, water stopped coming out of our taps...

First we thought there was a town wide problem, but as it turned out, a water pipe under the house had burst....

We could hear it rushing out behind the shower, so a few holes in the wall later...

...hubby managed to find approximately where the leak was.

He called a plumber, and called our house insurance people, but since we have one positive case of covid, no one can come out to look at it until 7 days after the positive test.

The insurance was actually really good. They aren't allowed to leave us without water, so they offered to put us up somewhere, but of course again, we are sick with one positive case, so we would not be able to stay anywhere until someone came to fix it.

Everyone agreed that DH would have to have a go at trying to temporarily fix it. So a bigger hole was made:

And the leak was found:

The joys of living in an old house....

Now DH is not a plumber, but he is very handy, and tried hard to have a go at a temporary fix. He tried two things, but neither of them worked.

So since Tuesday we haven't had running water. Instead, once a day DH has turned the mains back on to fill up tubes and buckets in the bathtub:

and we pulled out the camping gear for the kitchen:

I have to say it isn't ideal not having running water when you have a house full of sick people. So far only DS has had the positive test, the rest of us seem to have a bad bout of gastro. Again, not the best to not have running water with gastro!!!

I haven't been this sick for a long time - and it's been really strange. On Tuesday I felt completely better! But Wednesday morning I woke up crook again... and was in bed most of the day. So it seems to come in waves.

Before that I managed to bake a pie:

But no sewing since then...

Today I am doing a lot better, and hopefully I'll get into the studio this weekend... I don't have running water out there anyway, so I won't miss it đŸ™‚

It is amazing though how much we can take things like running water, electricity, and other everyday things for granted.

I am thankful that we are only dealing with loss of water this week... we haven't lost our homes to floods or war. Yes, it is a hassle being sick and not having water, but things could be a lot worse.

The insurance company has booked a plumber to come on Sunday to try to fix it, so we only have a few days to wait... we have an end in sight.... unlike some others in the world.

So in the midst of all this, I am thankful that we have electricity, a roof over our heads, a bed to sleep in... and a sweet Dad who dropped dinner at the back porch for us tonight:

Stay safe and have a lovely weekend,