That is WHAT, all you, AMERICAN voters will go for, IF you vote for that "other guy" who'd been charged with, the money scandals from his company, of tax evasion, and now, he got, this, "extra" charge on his back too…
Voting that RAPIST into office, what the FUCK (so???) are you ALL, thinking? Oh wait, you weren't, otherwise, anybody with a SOUND enough mind, would SEE, that he would NOT be fitted, to RUN this, FUCKING (so???) country of "ours", what with his, RACIST beliefs, like the country isn't, MESSED up enough already, oh, and you can be sure, that he will get ACQUITTED, again IF he ever got thrown under, that same old, IMPEACHMENT, bus!
and, here's THAT case that's, currently on that, "docket" right now, off of YouTube
Voting that RAPIST into office, yeah, that, is what all of you, American citizens will be going to the polls in, November (right???), to decide, and I still won't VOTE, because voting is NOT an EXERCISE of my FREEDOM, it's, BULLSHIT, so ain't NOBODY gonna, EVER make ME vote, I'm still just, sitting on my BIG fence, watching this STUPID ball getting, TOSSED from Side A, to Side B, back to Side A, then Side B, you get the picture, don't you??? Yeah.
If all of you, American voters are, INTELLIGENT enough (which I'm willing to STAKE both MY and my DEAD Emily's LIVES on, that y'all aren't!), you will NOT vote for Trump, but, Biden ain't NO good either, as he'd shown signs of, DEMENTIA.
see how HE like it, now that it's, his CRUTCH that's been, "caught! Political cartoon from online
So basically, all you American voters' options are as follows:
Do we want a RACIST, RAPIST, a BUSINESSMAN who will, end UP, selling the COUNTRY for SCRAPS as OUR president, or do we, want someone, who can't even, remember his own wife's name?
It's still, a TOSS-UP, too hard for me to decide, so, I won't have to vote, because, either way, you're voting for EVIL, and I will NEVER again, V-O-T-E for another EVIL, and you can't MAKE me!
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